A Toolkit for Rapid Modular Construction of Biological Circuits in Mammalian Cells
Fonseca JP, Bonny AR, Kumar GR, Ng AH, Town J, Wu QC, Aslankoohi E, Chen SY, Dods G, Harrigan P, Osimiri LC, Kistler AL, El-Samad H
ACS Synth Biol. 2019 Nov 15;8(11):2593-2606. doi: 10.1021/acssynbio.9b00322. Epub 2019 Nov 5.
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These plasmids are not included in The Mammalian Toolkit. To order the Mammalian Toolkit, please see the following kit page.
Plasmids from Article
ID | Plasmid | Purpose |
123952 | MTK3_001 | Encodes nuclear localized PHR domain of CRY2 fused to activating domain of p65 as Type 3 part to be used in the MTK system |
123953 | MTK3b_023 | Encodes human RelA as a Type 3b part to be used in the MTK system |
123954 | MTK3b_025 | Encodes synTF fused to VP16 activation domain as a Type 3b part to be used in the MTK system |
123955 | MTK3b_026 | Encodes synTF fused to VP64 activation domain as a Type 3b part to be used in the MTK system |
123956 | MTK4a_009 | Encodes a nuclear localized EBFP2 (T2A) coexpression cassette as a Type 4a part to be used in the MTK system |
123957 | MTK234_009 | Encodes the spCas9 pC120 gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
123958 | MTK234_011 | Encodes the spCas9 pPLMP1 gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
123959 | MTK234_054 | Encodes the saCas9 CXCR1 (site 3) gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
123960 | MTK0_002 | Encodes the piggyBac GFP dropout destination vector with the 2xHS4 insulator as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123961 | MTK0_004 | Encodes the Cas9 cROSA26 homology destination with Blasticidin resistance cassette GFP dropout destination vector as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123964 | MTK0_009 | Encodes PhiC31 landing pad as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123965 | MTK0_010 | Encodes BxBI landing pad as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123966 | MTK0_011 | Encodes the hROSA26 PhiC31 recognition site with Hygromycin resistance and mRuby2 landing pad with GFP dropout destination vector as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123967 | MTK0_012 | Encodes the hROSA26 BxBI recognition site with Hygromycin resistance and mRuby2 landing pad with GFP dropout destination vector as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123968 | MTK0_028 | Encodes the cROSA26 homology landing pad with GFP dropout destination vector as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123969 | MTK0_030 | Encodes the phiC31-hygromycin-mRuby2PEST landing pad as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123970 | MTK0_031 | Encodes the BxBI-hygromycin-mRuby2PEST landing pad as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123971 | MTK0_033 | Encodes the cROSA26 PhiC31 landing pad as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123972 | MTK0_034 | Encodes the hROSA26 PhiC31 landing pad as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123973 | MTK0_036 | Encodes the cROSA26 BxBI landing pad as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123974 | MTK0_037 | Encodes the hROSA26 BxBI landing pad as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123975 | MTK0_045 | Encodes the cROSA26 destination with hygyomycin resistance cassette as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123976 | MTK0_046 | Encodes the Cas9 Thal5.10-2_hg18 homology destination with Hygromycin resistance cassette GFP dropout destination vector as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK systemh |
123977 | MTK0_047 | Encodes the Cas9 hCLYBL homology destination with Hygromycin resistance cassette GFP dropout destination vector as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123978 | MTK0_052 | Encodes the PhiC31 landing pad on hThal5.10-2-hg18 with hygromycin resistance cassette coexpressed with mRuby2 as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123980 | MTK0_054 | Encodes the PhiC31 landing pad on hCLYBL with hygromycin resistance cassette coexpressed with mRuby2 as a type 0 part to be used in the MTK system |
123982 | MTK234_057 | Encodes the spCas9 Safetargeting Chr20 gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
123984 | MTK234_058 | Encodes the spCas9 Safetargeting Chr11 gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
123988 | MTK234_012 | Encodes the spCas9 sgRNA1 hROSA26 (site 1) gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
123989 | MTK234_013 | Encodes the spCas9 sgRNA1 hROSA26 (site 2) gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
123990 | MTK234_014 | Encodes the spCas9 sgRNA1 hROSA26 (site 3) gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
123991 | MTK234_015 | Encodes the spCas9 sgRNA1 hROSA26 (site 4) gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
123992 | MTK234_005 | Encodes the spCas9 sgRNA1 cROSA26 (homology arm 1) gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
123993 | MTK234_006 | Encodes the spCas9 sgRNA1 cROSA26 (homology arm 2) gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
123994 | MTK234_007 | Encodes the spCas9 sgRNA1 cROSA26 (homology arm 3) gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
123995 | MTK234_032 | Encodes the spCas9 sgRNA1 hAAVS1 (site 1) gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
123996 | MTK234_033 | Encodes the spCas9 sgRNA1 hAAVS1 (site 2) gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
123997 | MTK234_034 | Encodes the spCas9 sgRNA1 hAAVS1 (site 3) gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
123998 | JPF0507 | Encodes pPGK1 driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
123999 | JPF0508 | Encodes pCAG driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124000 | JPF0509 | Encodes pPGK1 driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124001 | JPF0510 | Encodes pEF1a driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124002 | JPF0511 | Encodes pHUBC driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124003 | JPF0512 | Encodes promoter-less expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124004 | JPF0513 | Encodes pCMV-A driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124005 | JPF0514 | Encodes pCMV-B driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124006 | JPF0515 | Encodes pCMV-C driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124007 | JPF0516 | Encodes pCMV-D driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124008 | JPF0517 | Encodes pCMV-E driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124009 | JPF0518 | Encodes pCMV-F driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124010 | JPF0519 | Encodes pCMV-G driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124011 | JPF0520 | Encodes pCMV driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124012 | JPF0521 | Encodes crippled pPGK1 driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124013 | JPF0522 | Encodes crippled pEF1a driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124014 | JPF0523 | Encodes crippled pSFFV driving expression of mAzamiGreen with an mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124015 | ARB287a | Encodes pEF1a driving expression of mAzamiGreen with a BgpPA 3' UTR and a mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124016 | ARB287b | Encodes pEF1a driving expression of mAzamiGreen with a SV40 3' UTR and a mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124017 | ARB287c | Encodes pEF1a driving expression of mAzamiGreen with a RglPA 3' UTR and a mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124018 | ARB287d | Encodes pEF1a driving expression of mAzamiGreen with a spacer 3' UTR and a mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124019 | ARB287e | Encodes pEF1a driving expression of mAzamiGreen with a multicistronic spacer 3' UTR and a mScarlet normalization in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124020 | JPF0419d | Encodes pCAG driving expression of multicistronic Lyn-tagged iRFP713, cytoplasmic mAzamiGreen, mCerulean-tethered p38 KTR, and Histone 2B fused to mScarlet in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124021 | JPF0419v | Encodes pCAG driving expression of multicistronic Lyn-tagged iRFP713, cytoplasmic mAzamiGreen, mCerulean-tethered p38 KTR, and Histone 2B fused to mScarlet in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124022 | JPF0446 | BxBI Destination vector with H2B::GFP expressed from CAG promoter |
124023 | ARB340 | Encodes TU with connectors LS R1 and an A4 insulator, and pEF1a expressing nuclear iRFP713 |
124024 | ARB341 | Encodes TU with connectors LS R1 and an A4 insulator, and pEF1a expressing nuclear tagBFP |
124025 | ARB342 | Encodes TU with connectors LS R1 and an A4 insulator, and pEF1a expressing nuclear mAzamiGreen |
124026 | ARB343 | Encodes TU with connectors LS R1 and an A4 insulator, and pEF1a expressing nuclear mRuby2 |
124027 | ARB344 | Encodes TU with connectors L1 R2 and an B1 insulator, and pCMV expressing cytoplasmic iRFP713 |
124028 | ARB345 | Encodes TU with connectors L1 R2 and an B1 insulator, and pCMV expressing cytoplasmic tagBFP |
124029 | ARB346 | Encodes TU with connectors L1 R2 and an B1 insulator, and pCMV expressing cytoplasmic mAzamiGreen |
124030 | ARB347 | Encodes TU with connectors L1 R2 and an B1 insulator, and pCMV expressing cytoplasmic mRuby2 |
124031 | ARB348 | Encodes TU with connectors L2 R3 and an C3 insulator, and pCAG expressing membrane-tagged iRFP713 |
124032 | ARB349 | Encodes TU with connectors L2 R3 and an C3 insulator, and pCAG expressing membrane-tagged tagBFP |
124033 | ARB350 | Encodes TU with connectors L2 R3 and an C3 insulator, and pCAG expressing membrane-tagged mAzamiGreen |
124034 | ARB351 | Encodes TU with connectors L2 R3 and an C3 insulator, and pCAG expressing membrane-tagged mRuby2 |
124035 | JPF0464 | Encodes pEF1a driving expression of nuclear iRFP713, and mu6 expression of a human non-targeting sgRNA in a 2nd gen. Lenti Virus destination vector |
124036 | JPF0465 | Encodes pEF1a driving expression of nuclear iRFP713, and mu6 expression of a mScarlet-targeting sgRNA in a 2nd gen. Lenti Virus destination vector |
124037 | JPF0466 | Encodes pEF1a driving expression of nuclear iRFP713, and mu6 expression of a tagBFP-targeting sgRNA in a 2nd gen. Lenti Virus destination vector |
124038 | JPF0468 | Encodes pEF1a driving expression of nuclear iRFP713, and mu6 expression of tagBFP- and mScarlet-targeting sgRNAs in a 2nd gen. Lenti Virus destination vector |
124039 | JPF0454 | Encodes pPGK1 driving expression of spCas9 P2A mAzamiGreen in a 2nd gen. Lenti Virus destination vector |
124040 | JPF0455 | Encodes pPGK1 driving expression of cytoplasmic tagBFP in a 2nd gen. Lenti Virus destination vector |
124041 | JPF0456 | Encodes pPGK1 driving expression of mScarlet in a 2nd gen. Lenti Virus destination vector |
124042 | JPF0535a | Encodes pEF1a driving expression of TET3G P2A iRFP713, pEF1a expressing spdCas9 fused to tagBFP P2A tagBFP, and an sgRNA targeting pTRE expressing mAzamiGreen in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124048 | ARB365 | Encodes pEF1a driving expression of TET3G P2A iRFP713, pEF1a expressing sadCas9 fused to mRuby2 P2A mRuby2, and an sgRNA targeting pUAS expressing mAzamiGreen in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124049 | ARB366 | Encodes pEF1a driving expression of TET3G P2A iRFP713, pEF1a expressing sadCas9 fused to KRAB domain P2A mRuby2, and an sgRNA targeting pUAS expressing mAzamiGreen in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124050 | ARB367 | Encodes pEF1a driving expression of TET3G P2A iRFP713, pEF1a expressing sadCas9 fused to VPR domain P2A mRuby2, and an sgRNA targeting pUAS expressing mAzamiGreen in a PiggyBac destination vector |
124054 | MTK3_028 | Encodes c120 sg RNA guide cleaved by ribozyme |
124055 | MTK234_047 | Encodes the spCas9 mScarlet (site 2) gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
124056 | MTK234_048 | Encodes the spCas9 mScarlet (site 3) gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
124057 | MTK234_049 | Encodes the spCas9 mScarlet (site 4) gRNA expression cassette as a type 234 part to be used in the MTK system |
124058 | MTK6_016 | Encodes the extended Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus (WHP) Posttranscriptional Regulatory Element (WPRE) to be used in the MTK system |