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Induction of antigen-specific TH 9 immunity accompanied by mast cell activation blocks tumor cell engraftment.

Abdul-Wahid A, Cydzik M, Prodeus A, Alwash M, Stanojcic M, Thompson M, Huang EH, Shively JE, Gray-Owen SD, Gariepy J
Int J Cancer. 2016 Aug 15;139(4):841-53. doi: 10.1002/ijc.30121. Epub 2016 Apr 15. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
174693CEA-N domain residues 1-132 (CEACAM5)-pET30b Plasmid expressing CEA-N domain

Antibodies from Article