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A hydride transfer complex reprograms NAD metabolism and bypasses senescence.

Igelmann S, Lessard F, Uchenunu O, Bouchard J, Fernandez-Ruiz A, Rowell MC, Lopes-Paciencia S, Papadopoli D, Fouillen A, Ponce KJ, Huot G, Mignacca L, Benfdil M, Kalegari P, Wahba HM, Pencik J, Vuong N, Quenneville J, Guillon J, Bourdeau V, Hulea L, Gagnon E, Kenner L, Moriggl R, Nanci A, Pollak MN, Omichinski JG, Topisirovic I, Ferbeyre G
Mol Cell. 2021 Sep 16;81(18):3848-3865.e19. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2021.08.028. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

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