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Engineering of AAV-Mediated in Vivo Targeted DNA Methylation Editing System via Staphylococcus Aureus Derived Cas9-SunTag

Yamamoto N, Morita S, Hatada I, Ideta-Otsuka M, Tamura H, Narita M, Igarashi K
Research Square [Preprint] 2021. doi: 10.21203/ (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
177342AAV-CMV-dSaCas9-NLS-3xHA-3xSunTag_bGHpAAAV expression of a catalytically inactive SaCas9 (dSaCas9) fused with three copies of SunTag sequence
177344AAV-TRE-dSaCas9-NLS-3xHA-3xSunTag_bGHpAAAV expression of a catalytically inactive SaCas9 (dSaCas9) fused with three copies of SunTag sequence from doxycycine-inducible promoter
177345AAV-hSyn-dSaCas9-NLS-3xHA-3xSunTag_bGHpAAAV expression of a catalytically inactive SaCas9 (dSaCas9) fused with three copies of SunTag sequence from Synapsin promoter
177347AAV-CMV-scFVDnmt3AL_bGHpAAAV expression of a fusion protein with scFV, catalytic domain of Dnmt3a and C terminal domain of Dnmt3l for targeted DNA methylation editing
177348AAV-hSyn-scFVDnmt3AL_bGHpAAAV expression of a fusion protein with scFV, catalytic domain of Dnmt3a and C terminal domain of Dnmt3l from Synapisin promoter for targeted DNA methylation editing
177349AAV-CMV-scFVDnmt3A_bGHpAAAV expression of scFV-fused catalytic domain of Dnmt3a for targeted DNA methylation editing
177350AAV-CMV-scFVDnmt3L_bGHpAAAV expression of scFV-fused C terminal domain of Dnmt3l for targeted DNA methylation editing
177351AAV-CMV-scFVtet1_bGHpAAAV expression of scFV-fused catalytic domain of TET1 for targeted DNA methylation editing
177352AAV-CMV-scFVtet2_bGHpAAAV expression of scFV-fused catalytic domain of TET2 for targeted DNA methylation editing
177353AAV-hSyn-scFVtet2_bGHpAAAV expression of scFV-fused catalytic domain of TET2 from Synapisin promoter for targeted DNA methylation editing
177354AAV-TRE-scFVDnmt3AL_bGHpAAAV expression of a fusion protein with scFV, catalytic domain of Dnmt3a and C terminal domain of Dnmt3l from doxycycine-inducible promoter for targeted DNA methylation editing
177355AAV-TRE-scFVDnmt3A_bGHpAAAV expression of scFV-fused catalytic domain of Dnmt3a from doxycycine-inducible promoter for targeted DNA methylation editing
177356AAV-TRE-scFVDnmt3L_bGHpAAAV expression of scFV-fused C terminal domain of Dnmt3l from doxycycine-inducible promoter for targeted DNA methylation editing
177357AAV-TRE-scFVtet1_bGHpAAAV expression of scFV-fused catalytic domain of TET1 from doxycycine-inducible promoter for targeted DNA methylation editing
177358AAV-TRE-scFVtet2_bGHpAAAV expression of scFV-fused catalytic domain of TET2 from doxycycine-inducible promoter for targeted DNA methylation editing
177360AAV-hSyn-TetRC-2A-Tomato-bGHpA;U6_BsaI-sgRNAAAV expression of Chimeric guide for SaCas9 and reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator for doxycycline controlled expression from Synapsin promoter
177365AAV-CMV-TetRC-2A-Tomato-bGHpA;U6_BsaI-sgRNAAAV expression of Chimeric guide for SaCas9 and reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator for doxycycline controlled expression

Antibodies from Article