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Stability and sub-cellular localization of DNA polymerase beta is regulated by interactions with NQO1 and XRCC1 in response to oxidative stress.

Fang Q, Andrews J, Sharma N, Wilk A, Clark J, Slyskova J, Koczor CA, Lans H, Prakash A, Sobol RW
Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Jul 9;47(12):6269-6286. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz293. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
177131pGEX4T3-GST-PolB(WT)Bacterial vector for expression of an N-terminal GST fusion of PolB(WT) with a TEV protease site located between the GST tag and PolB(WT)
177132pGEX4T3-GST-PolB(K72A)Bacterial vector for expression of an N-terminal GST fusion of PolB(K72A) with a TEV protease site located between the GST tag and PolB(K72A)
177133pGEX4T3-GST-PolB(T304I)Bacterial vector for expression of an N-terminal GST fusion of PolB(T304I) with a TEV protease site located between the GST tag and PolB(T304I)
177134pGEX4T3-GST-PolB(K206A/K244A/T304I)Bacterial vector for expression of an N-terminal GST fusion of PolB(K206A/K244A/T304I) with a TEV protease site located between the GST tag and PolB(K206A/K244A/T304I)
177135pGEX4T3-GST-PolB(K206A/K244A)Bacterial vector for expression of an N-terminal GST fusion of PolB(K206A/K244A) with a TEV protease site located between the GST tag and PolB(K206A/K244A)
177136pGEX4T3-GST-EGFPBacterial vector for expression of an N-terminal GST fusion of EGFP with a TEV protease site located between the GST tag and EGFP
177137pGEX4T3-GST-PolB(L301R/V303R/V306R)Bacterial vector for expression of an N-terminal GST fusion of PolB(L301R/V303R/V306R) with a TEV protease site located between the GST tag and PolB(L301R/V303R/V306R)
177138pGEX4T3-GST-PolB(K206A/K244A/L301R/V303R/V306R)Bacterial vector for expression of an N-terminal GST fusion of PolB(K206A/K244A/L301R/V303R/V306R) with a TEV protease site located between the GST tag and PolB(K206A/K244A/L301R/V303R/V306R)
177140pGEX4T3-GST-NQO1Bacterial vector for expression of an N-terminal GST fusion of NQO1 with a TEV protease site located between the GST tag and NQO1
177141pGEX4T3-GST-NQO1(Y128F)Bacterial vector for expression of an N-terminal GST fusion of NQO1(Y128F) with a TEV protease site located between the GST tag and NQO1(Y128F)
177142pGEX4T3-GST-TevBacterial vector for expression of an N-terminal GST fusion of the Tev protease
177143pLVX-Flag-PolB(T304I)-PuroLentiviral vector expressing Flag-PolB(T304I) and a puromycin resistance cassette
177144pLVX-CMV-Flag-PolB(K244A/T304I)-PuroLentiviral vector expressing Flag-PolB(K244A/T304I) and a puromycin resistance cassette
177145pLVX-CMV-Flag-PolB(K206A/K244A/T304I)-PuroLentiviral vector expressing Flag-PolB(K206A/K244A/T304I) and a puromycin resistance cassette
177146pLentiGuide-PolB1-puroLentiviral vector expressing PolB-gRNA-1 and a puromycin resistance cassette

Antibodies from Article