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ExBoX - a simple Boolean exclusion strategy to drive expression in neurons.

Ubina T, Vahedi-Hunter T, Agnew-Svoboda W, Wong W, Gupta A, Santhakumar V, Riccomagno MM
J Cell Sci. 2021 Oct 15;134(20). pii: 272538. doi: 10.1242/jcs.257212. Epub 2021 Oct 20. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
176274pAAV-SynI-CreOn-FlpOff-EGFPViral vector for expression of EGFP in cells expressing Cre AND NOT Flp driven by the human Synapsin promoter.
176275pAAV-SynI-FlpOn-CreOff-TdTomatoViral vector for expression of TdTomato in cells expressing Flp AND NOT Cre driven by the human Synapsin promoter.
176276pAAV-SynI-CreOn-FlpOff-MCS-P2A-EGFPViral vector for co-expression of a CDS of interest and EGFP in cells expressing Cre AND NOT Flp driven by a Synapsin promoter. Contains an in-frame P2A sequence and an MCS for cloning of the CDS.
176277pAAV-SynI-FlpOn-CreOff-MCS-P2A-mCherryViral vector for co-expression of a CDS of interest and mCherry in cells expressing Flp AND NOT Cre driven by a Synapsin promoter. Contains an in-frame P2A sequence and an MCS for cloning of the CDS.
176278pAAV-SynI-CreOn-FlpOff-Kir2.1-P2A-EGFPViral vector for co-expression of Kir2.1 and EGFP in cells expressing Cre AND NOT Flp driven by the human Synapsin promoter.
176279pAAV-SynI-CreOn-FlpOff-Kir2.1MUT-P2A-EGFPViral vector for co-expression of non-functional Kir2.1 and EGFP in cells expressing Cre AND NOT Flp driven by the human Synapsin promoter.
176280pAAV-SynI-CreOn-FlpOff-mNaChBac-P2A-EGFPViral vector for co-expression of NaChBac and EGFP in cells expressing Cre AND NOT Flp driven by the human Synapsin promoter.
176281pAAV-SynI-CreOn-FlpOff-mNaChBacMUT-P2A-EGFPViral vector for co-expression of non-functional NaChBac and EGFP in cells expressing Cre AND NOT Flp driven by the human Synapsin promoter.
176282pAAV-SynI-CreOn-FlpOff-TeNT-P2A-EGFPViral vector for co-expression of TeNT and EGFP in cells expressing Cre AND NOT Flp driven by the human Synapsin promoter.

Antibodies from Article