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Orthogonal CRISPR-Cas tools for genome editing, inhibition, and CRISPR recording in zebrafish embryos.

Takasugi PR, Wang S, Truong KT, Drage EP, Kanishka SN, Higbee MA, Bamidele N, Ojelabi O, Sontheimer EJ, Gagnon JA
Genetics. 2021 Nov 4. pii: 6420709. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyab196. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
174033pCS2-AcrIIA2In vitro transcription of anti-CRISPR AcrIIA2 mRNA
174034pCS2-AcrIIA4In vitro transcription of anti-CRISPR AcrIIA4 mRNA
174035pCS2-AcrIIC1In vitro transcription of anti-CRISPR AcrIIC1 mRNA
174036pCS2-AcrIIC3In vitro transcription of anti-CRISPR AcrIIC3 mRNA
174037pTol2-HybridBarcodeFor Tol2 transgenesis of expressed barcode containing SpyCas9, SauCas9, and LbCas12a target sites
174040pCS2-SauCas9In vitro transcription of SauCas9 mRNA

Antibodies from Article