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A turquoise fluorescence lifetime-based biosensor for quantitative imaging of intracellular calcium.

van der Linden FH, Mahlandt EK, Arts JJG, Beumer J, Puschhof J, de Man SMA, Chertkova AO, Ponsioen B, Clevers H, van Buul JD, Postma M, Gadella TWJ Jr, Goedhart J
Nat Commun. 2021 Dec 9;12(1):7159. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-27249-w. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
1296263xnls-cpmTq2-Calcium-lifetime-sensorGenetically encoded calcium sensor (GECI) that reports with lifetime and intensity changes
129627Lck-cpmTq2-Calcium-lifetime-sensorGenetically encoded calcium sensor (GECI) that reports with lifetime and intensity changes
129628FHL-cpmTq2-Calcium-lifetime-sensorGenetically encoded calcium sensor (GECI) that reports with lifetime and intensity changes
145027pLV-H2B-Maroon-P2A-3xnls-Tq-Ca-FLITSLentiviral vector for a Turquoise calcium sensor (GECI) that reports with lifetime and intensity changes - co-expresses a nuclear marker
145030pPB-3xnls-Tq-Ca-FLITSpiggyBac vector for expressing a Turquoise calcium sensor (GECI) that reports with lifetime and intensity changes
191454N1-Tq-Ca-FLITSGenetically encoded calcium sensor (GECI) Tq-Ca-FLITS that reports with lifetime and intensity changes

Antibodies from Article