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Reconstitution of cargo-induced LC3 lipidation in mammalian selective autophagy.

Chang C, Shi X, Jensen LE, Yokom AL, Fracchiolla D, Martens S, Hurley JH
Sci Adv. 2021 Apr 23;7(17). pii: 7/17/eabg4922. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abg4922. Print 2021 Apr. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
171410GST-TEVcs-FIP200-MBPFor the purifcation of human ULK1 complex
171411GST-TEVcs- FIP200 delta641-779-MBPFor the purifcation of human ULK1 truncated complex
171412ATG13For the purifcation of human ULK1 complex
171413GFP-ATG13For the purifcation of human ULK1 complex
171414GST-TEVcs-ATG101For the purifcation of human ULK1 complex
171415GST-TEVcs-GFP-ATG101For the purifcation of GFP-ULK1 complex
171416MBP-TSF-TEVcs-ULK1For the purifcation of human ULK1 complex
171417MBP-TSF-TEVcs-ULK1K46IFor the purifcation of human ULK1 kinase dead complex
171418VPS15For the purifcation of human PI3KC3 complex
171419WIPI2d-TEVcs-TSFFor the purifcation of WIPI2d protein
171420GFP-WIPI2d-TEVcs-TSFFor the purifcation of GFP- WIPI2d protein
171421GST-Ub4For the purifcation of tetra linear ubiquitin
171422GST-NDP52For the purifcation of NDP52 protein
171423GST-TAX1BP1For the purifcation of TAX1BP1 protein
171424GST-OPTNFor the purifcation of OPTN protein
171425GST-OPTNS177DS473DFor the purifcation of phosphorylation mimic protein
171426GST-GFP-ATG14For the purifcation of GFP- PI3KC3 complex

Antibodies from Article