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PROBER identifies proteins associated with programmable sequence-specific DNA in living cells.

Mondal S, Ramanathan M, Miao W, Meyers RM, Rao D, Lopez-Pajares V, Siprashvili Z, Reynolds DL, Porter DF, Ferguson I, Neela P, Zhao Y, Meservey LM, Guo M, Yang YY, Li L, Wang Y, Khavari PA
Nat Methods. 2022 Aug;19(8):959-968. doi: 10.1038/s41592-022-01552-w. Epub 2022 Aug 4. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
165146pBaitBait plasmid for PROBER (empty backbone encoding replaceable ccdB cassette)
165147pBait-YY1Bait plasmid for PROBER with YY1-binding site (positive control)
165148pSprayerSprayer plasmid for PROBER encoding BASU-GAL4 fusion
165149pDriverDriver plasmid for PROBER encoding SV40 Large T-antigen
165150pSprayerHESprayer plasmid for PROBER encoding BASU-GAL4 fusion (High Expression)

Antibodies from Article