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Antigen identification for HLA class I- and HLA class II-restricted T cell receptors using cytokine-capturing antigen-presenting cells.

Lee MN, Meyerson M
Sci Immunol. 2021 Jan 22;6(55). pii: 6/55/eabf4001. doi: 10.1126/sciimmunol.abf4001. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
164986CRISPR_HLA_class_I_1Expression of gRNA targeting multiple HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-C genes
164987CRISPR_HLA_class_I_2Expression of gRNA targeting multiple HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-C genes
164988CRISPR_HLA_DPAExpression of gRNA targeting HLA-DPA locus, including DPA1*02:01:08
164989CRISPR_HLA_DPBExpression of gRNA targeting HLA-DPB locus, including DPB1*01:01:01
164990CRISPR_HLA_DQAExpression of gRNA targeting HLA-DQA locus, including DQA1*01:01:01
164991CRISPR_HLA_DQBExpression of gRNA targeting HLA-DQB locus, including DQB1*05:01:01
164992CRISPR_HLA_DRBExpression of gRNA targeting HLA-DRB locus, including DRB1*01:02:01
164993CRISPR_TRACExpression of gRNA targeting TCRalpha constant locus
164994CRISPR_TRBCExpression of gRNA targeting TCRbeta constant locus
164995CMVTCRa_candidate1Expression of candidate TCR #1 TCRalpha cDNA
164996CMVTCRb_candidate1Expression of candidate TCR #1 TCRbeta cDNA
164997CMVTCRa_candidate2Expression of candidate TCR #2 TCRalpha cDNA
164998CMVTCRb_candidate2Expression of candidate TCR #2 TCRbeta cDNA
164999CMVTCRa_candidate5Expression of candidate TCR #5 TCRalpha cDNA
165000CMVTCRb_candidate5Expression of candidate TCR #5 TCRbeta cDNA
165001CMVTCRa_candidate6Expression of candidate TCR #6 TCRalpha cDNA
165002CMVTCRb_candidate6Expression of candidate TCR #6 TCRbeta cDNA
165003CMVTCRa_candidate7Expression of candidate TCR #7 TCRalpha cDNA
165004CMVTCRb_candidate7Expression of candidate TCR #7 TCRbeta cDNA
165005CMVTCRa_candidate8Expression of candidate TCR #8 TCRalpha cDNA
165006CMVTCRb_candidate8Expression of candidate TCR #8 TCRbeta cDNA
165007CMVTCRa_candidate10Expression of candidate TCR #10 TCRalpha cDNA
165008CMVTCRb_candidate10Expression of candidate TCR #10 TCRbeta cDNA
165009HLA_A0101Expression of HLA-A*01:01 cDNA
165010HLA_A2402Expression of HLA-A*24:02 cDNA
165011HLA_B5101Expression of HLA-B*51:01 cDNA
165012HLA_DRA_01_01Expression of HLA-DRA*01:01 cDNA
165013HLA_DRB1_04_01Expression of HLA-DRB1*04:01 cDNA
165014HLA_DRB1_07_01Expression of HLA-DRB1*07:01 cDNA
165015LPLKMLNI_epitopeExpression of CMV UL83 (116-123) fused to IL-2 signal sequence
165016YSEHPTFTSQY_epitopeExpression of CMV UL83 (363-373) fused to IL-2 signal sequence
165017VTEHDTLLY_epitopeExpression of CMV UL44 (245-253) fused to IL-2 signal sequence
165018VYAIFIFQL_epitopeExpression of CMV US20 (29-37) fused to IL-2 signal sequence
165019AQTFAATHNPWASQA_epitopeExpression of CMV UL86 (1222-1236) fused to CD74
165020NTTVTFLPTPSLILQ_epitopeExpression of CMV UL44 (37-51) fused to CD74
165021TTVTFLPTPSLILQT_epitopeExpression of CMV UL44 (38-52) fused to CD74

Antibodies from Article