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A genetically encoded tool for reconstituting synthetic modulatory neurotransmission and reconnect neural circuits in vivo.

Hawk JD, Wisdom EM, Sengupta T, Kashlan ZD, Colon-Ramos DA
Nat Commun. 2021 Aug 9;12(1):4795. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-24690-9. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
160406pJH120_pE12_HyPep_emGFPGateway entry clone containing HyPep presynaptic component (Hydra RFamide) for HySyn
160407pJH161_pE12_HyPep_mRubyGateway entry clone containing HyPep presynaptic component (Hydra RFamide) for HySyn
160408pJH53_pE12_hyCal2Gateway entry clone containing postsynaptic HyCal component (HyNaC2) for HySyn system
160409pJH54_pE12_hyCal7Gateway entry clone containing postsynaptic HyCal component (HyNaC7) for HySyn system
160410pJH55_pE12_hyCal9Gateway entry clone containing postsynaptic HyCal component (HyNaC9) for HySyn system
160411pJH198_pE12_hyCal2-eGFPGateway entry clone containing postsynaptic HyCal component (HyNaC2) for HySyn system fused to eGFP
160412pJH199_pE12_hyCal2-mCherryGateway entry clone containing postsynaptic HyCal component (HyNaC2) for HySyn system fused to mCherry
160413pJH200_pE12_hyCal7-eGFPGateway entry clone containing postsynaptic HyCal component (HyNaC7) for HySyn system fused to eGFP
160414pJH201_pE12_hyCal7-mCherryGateway entry clone containing postsynaptic HyCal component (HyNaC7) for HySyn system fused to mCherry
160415pJH202_pE12_hyCal9-eGFPGateway entry clone containing postsynaptic HyCal component (HyNaC9) for HySyn system fused to eGFP
160416pJH203_pE12_hyCal9-mCherryGateway entry clone containing postsynaptic HyCal component (HyNaC9) for HySyn system fused to mCherry
160417pJH119_pCMV_HyPep-emGFPCMV promoter driving GFP labeled version of HyPep
160419pJH74_pCMV_hyCal7CMV promoter driving HyCal component (HyNaC7)
160420pJH75_pCMV_hyCal9CMV promoter driving HyCal component (HyNaC9)

Antibodies from Article