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Genetically encoded tags for direct synthesis of EM-visible gold nanoparticles in cells.

Jiang Z, Jin X, Li Y, Liu S, Liu XM, Wang YY, Zhao P, Cai X, Liu Y, Tang Y, Sun X, Liu Y, Hu Y, Li M, Cai G, Qi X, Chen S, Du LL, He W
Nat Methods. 2020 Sep;17(9):937-946. doi: 10.1038/s41592-020-0911-z. Epub 2020 Aug 10. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
154348pcDNA3.1-GFP-MTn-KDELMammalian expression of MTn
154349pcDNA3.1-GFP-2AFP-KDELMammalian expression of 2AFP
154350pcDNA3.1-Mito-AcGFP-MTnMammalian expression of MTn
154351pcDNA3.1-Ost4-GFP-MTnMammalian expression of MTn
154352pMAL-C2X dAmp/Kana+Empty backbone vector
154353pMAL-C2X dAmp/Kana+-2MTBacterial expression of 2MT
154354pMAL-C2X dAmp/Kana+-MTBacterial expression of MT
154355pMAL-C2X dAmp/Kana+-MTnBacterial expression of MTn
154356pMAL-C2X dAmp/Kana+-MTalphaBacterial expression of MTalpha
154357pMAL-C2X dAmp/Kana+-MTbetaBacterial expression of MTbeta
154358pMAL-C2X dAmp/Kana+-2AFPBacterial expression of 2AFP
154359pMAL-C2X dAmp/Kana+-AFPBacterial expression of AFP
154360pMAL-C2X -MTn-FliGBacterial expression of MTn
154361pMAL-C2X -MTalpha-FliGBacterial expression of Mtalpha
154362pMAL-C2X -2AFP-FliGBacterial expression of 2AFP
154363pET28b-GBP-MTnBacterial expression of MTn
154364pDUAL-P41nmt1-Nup124-GFPYeast expression of Nup124
154365pDUAL-P41nmt1-Nup124-GFP-MTnYeast expression of Nup124
154366pDUAL-P41nmt1-Sad1-GFPYeast expression of Sad1
154367pDUAL-P41nmt1-Sad1-GFP-MTnYeast expression of Sad1
154368pDUAL-Pnmt1-Ost4-GFPYeast expression of Ost4
154369pDUAL-Pnmt1-Ost4-GFP-MTnYeast expression of Ost4
154370pDUAL-Pnmt1-Ost4-GFP-MTalphaYeast expression of Ost4

Antibodies from Article