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Population genomic analysis of Aegilops tauschii identifies targets for bread wheat improvement.

Gaurav K, Arora S, Silva P, Sanchez-Martin J, Horsnell R, Gao L, Brar GS, Widrig V, John Raupp W, Singh N, Wu S, Kale SM, Chinoy C, Nicholson P, Quiroz-Chavez J, Simmonds J, Hayta S, Smedley MA, Harwood W, Pearce S, Gilbert D, Kangara N, Gardener C, Forner-Martinez M, Liu J, Yu G, Boden SA, Pascucci A, Ghosh S, Hafeez AN, O'Hara T, Waites J, Cheema J, Steuernagel B, Patpour M, Justesen AF, Liu S, Rudd JC, Avni R, Sharon A, Steiner B, Kirana RP, Buerstmayr H, Mehrabi AA, Nasyrova FY, Chayut N, Matny O, Steffenson BJ, Sandhu N, Chhuneja P, Lagudah E, Elkot AF, Tyrrell S, Bian X, Davey RP, Simonsen M, Schauser L, Tiwari VK, Randy Kutcher H, Hucl P, Li A, Liu DC, Mao L, Xu S, Brown-Guedira G, Faris J, Dvorak J, Luo MC, Krasileva K, Lux T, Artmeier S, Mayer KFX, Uauy C, Mascher M, Bentley AR, Keller B, Poland J, Wulff BBH
Nat Biotechnol. 2022 Mar;40(3):422-431. doi: 10.1038/s41587-021-01058-4. Epub 2021 Nov 1. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

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ID Plasmid Purpose
154372pSrTA1662-toolkitExpresses SrTA1662 in plants

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