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A fast genetically encoded fluorescent sensor for faithful in vivo acetylcholine detection in mice, fish, worms and flies

Borden PM, Zhang P, Shivange AV, Marvin JS, Cichon J, Dan C, Podgorski K, Figueiredo A, Novak O, Tanimoto M, Shigetomi E, Lobas MA, Kim H, Zhu PK, Zhang Y, Zheng WS, Fan C, Wang G, Xiang B, Gan L, Zhang G, Guo K, Lin L, Cai Y, Yee AG, Aggarwal A, Ford CP, Rees DC, Dietrich D, Khakh BS, Dittman JS, Gan W, Koyama M, Jayaraman V, Cheer JF, Lester HA, Zhu JJ, Looger LL
bioRxiv 2020 (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
137950pAAV.hSynap.iAChSnFRExpresses iAChSnFR under hSynapsin promoter
137951pAAV.hSynap.iAChSnFR-NULLExpresses iAChSnFR (non-binding) under hSynapsin promoter
137953pAAV.hSynap.iAChSnFR-Venus-NULLExpresses iAChSnFR (non-binding yellow version) under hSynapsin promoter
137955pAAV.CAG.iAChSnFRExpresses iAChSnFR under CAG promoter
137956pAAV.CAG.iAChSnFR-NULLExpresses iAChSnFR (non-binding variant) under CAG promoter
137959pAAV.CAG-FLEX.iAChSnFR-VenusExpresses FLEXed iAChSnFR (yellow version) under CAG promoter
137960pAAV.CAG-FLEX.iAChSnFR-Venus-NULLExpresses FLEXed iAChSnFR (non-binding yellow version) under CAG promoter
137962pAAV.ZAC.GFAP.iAChSnFRExpresses iAChSnFR under GFAP promoter
140643pSinREP5-iAchSnFRAcetylcholine sensor for sindbis virus
140644pLenti-hSynapsin-iAchSnFRAcetylcholine sensor for lenti virus

Antibodies from Article