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Structure Determination of the Transactivation Domain of p53 in Complex with S100A4 Using Annexin A2 as a Crystallization Chaperone.

Ecsedi P, Gogl G, Hof H, Kiss B, Harmat V, Nyitray L
Structure. 2020 Aug 4;28(8):943-953.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2020.05.001. Epub 2020 May 21. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
136543NdeI – SacII – SpeI(NheI) - ANXA2 (23-339)Expresses ANXA2 chimeras in bacterial cells
136544NdeI – SpeI(NheI) – BamHI/BglII - ANXA2 (29-339)Expresses ANXA2 chimeras in bacterial cells
136545NdeI – SacII – SpeI(NheI) - ANXA2 (29-339)Expresses ANXA2 chimeras in bacterial cells
136546NdeI – SpeI(NheI) – BamHI/BglII - ANXA2 (23-339)Expresses ANXA2 chimeras in bacterial cells

Antibodies from Article