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The Hippo pathway effector TAZ induces TEAD-dependent liver inflammation and tumors.

Hagenbeek TJ, Webster JD, Kljavin NM, Chang MT, Pham T, Lee HJ, Klijn C, Cai AG, Totpal K, Ravishankar B, Yang N, Lee DH, Walsh KB, Hatzivassiliou G, de la Cruz CC, Gould SE, Wu X, Lee WP, Yang S, Zhang Z, Gu Q, Ji Q, Jackson EL, Lim DS, Dey A
Sci Signal. 2018 Sep 11;11(547). pii: 11/547/eaaj1757. doi: 10.1126/scisignal.aaj1757. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

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