Oskar Laur Lab: Emory Custom Cloning Core Plasmids - Oskar Laur
Plasmids from Article
ID | Plasmid | Purpose |
128023 | pCDNA3- c-terminal 6xMyc | Mammalian expression vector with C terminal 6xMyc tag |
128024 | pcDNA3-c-terminal mouseFc | Mammalian expression vector with C terminal mFC tag |
128025 | pcDNA3-C-terminal GST | Mammalian expression vector with C terminal GST tag |
128026 | pcDNA3-C-terminal CyPet | Mammalian expression vector with C terminal CyPet tag |
128027 | pcDNA3-C-terminal YPet | Mammalian expression vector with C terminal YPet tag |
128028 | pcDNA3-IL-2 signal | Mammalian expression vector with N terminal IL-2 signal peptide |
128029 | pcDNA3-IL-2 signal_CyPet | Mammalian expression vector with N terminal IL-2 signal peptide and CyPet |
128030 | pcDNA3-IL- signal_YPet | Mammalian expression vector with N terminal IL-2 signal peptide and YPet |
128031 | pcDNA3-IL-2 signal_rabbit Fc | Mammalian expression vector with N terminal IL-2 signal peptide and rabbit Fc |
128032 | pcDNA3-IL-2 signal_GST | Mammalian expression vector with N terminal IL-2 signal peptide and GST |
128033 | pcDNA3-IL-2signal-6xMyc | Mammalian expression vector with N terminal IL-2 signal peptide and 6xMyc tag |
128034 | pcDNA3.1-HA | Mammalian expression vector with N terminal HA tag |
128035 | pVL1393-6xMyc | Baculovirus expression vector with C-terminal 6xMyc tag |
128036 | pShuttle-CMV-IRES-GFP | Adenoviral shuttle vector with CMV promoter, coexpresses EGFP |
128040 | pcDNA3 DSred express2 | Mammalian expression vector with N terminal DsRed express2 |
128042 | pCDNA3 IL-2 signal mFc | Mammalian expression vector with C terminal IL-2 signal peptide and mFc |
128043 | pMA2780 lenti tet on EGFP | Tet inducible Lentiviral vector with EGFP co-expression |
128044 | pLEX-MCS PGK promoter | Lentiviral vector with PGK promoter |
128045 | pLEX-MCS UBC promoter | Lentiviral vector with UBC promoter |
128046 | pGL3basic luciferase and renilla_polyA | pGL3 basic luciferase reporter with co-expression of renilla luciferase |
128047 | pcDNA3.1 acGFP | Mammalian expression vector with N terminal AcGFP |
128048 | pLEX MCS snap tag | Lentiviral vector with snap tag |
128049 | pShuttle-CMV-GFP U6promoter | Adenoviral shuttle vector for shRNA expression from U6 promoter with GFP marker |
128050 | pShuttle-CMV-GFP H1promoter | Adenoviral shuttle vector for shRNA expression from H1 promoter with GFP marker |
128051 | pLex MCS mCherry Myc | Lentiviral vector with mCherry Myc |
128052 | prs316 CUP-GFP | Yeast expression vector for N terminal GFP fusions |
128053 | pGL3 basic EGFP | EGFP reporter vector with restriction sites to clone in a promoter of interest, derived from pGL3 basic |
128054 | pGL3 promoter EGFP | EGFP reporter vector with restriction sites to clone in an enhancer of interest, derived from pGL3 promoter |
128055 | plenti guide ds red | Expresses S. pyogenes CRISPR chimeric RNA element with customizable sgRNA from U6 promoter and DsREd from EF-1a promoter. 3rd generation lentiviral backbone. |
128057 | pcdna3.1 hygro mCherry | Mammalian expression vector with N terminal mCherry |
128058 | pFastbac1 Nterminal GST | Baculovirus expression vector with N terminal GST |
128059 | pCDH-EF1-IRES eGFP | Lentiviral expression of an insert from EF1 promoter and co-expression of EGFP. See Depositor Comments for additional information regarding plasmid sequence. |
128060 | pScarlet-N1 | Mammalian expression vector for C terminal mScarlet-I fusions |
128061 | pLVX-Tet3G blasticidin | Lentiviral vector encoding the Tet-On 3G transactivator protein, which allows for inducible gene expression. With Blasticidin resistance. |
128062 | pLenti6-V5-Topo mCherry | Lentiviral vector for C terminal mCherry fusions |
128063 | plenti guide Thy1.1 | Expresses S. pyogenes CRISPR chimeric RNA element with customizable sgRNA from U6 promoter and Thy1.1 from EF-1a promoter. 3rd generation lentiviral backbone. |
128064 | BS II KS+ loxP-GFP_ZEO_loxP | has loxp-GFP-Zeo-Loxp cassette |
128065 | pShuttle-CMV-GFP | Adenoviral shuttle vector with CMV promoter-EGFP |
128067 | FUGW ds red | Lentiviral expression of dsRed Express2 |
128068 | FUGW ECFP | Lentiviral expression of ECFP |
128069 | pREVtre GFP | Retroviral tet inducible EGFP |
128070 | pLVX TRE 3G BFP | Lentiviral expression of Tet inducible TagBFP |
128071 | FUGW mplum | 3rd gen lentiviral plasmid with hUbC-driven mPlum |
128072 | pCDH-EF1-IRES plum | gfp was exchanged to plum |
128073 | pLKO.1 mCherry | puro exchanged to mCherry |
128074 | FUGW-EYFP | 3rd gen lentiviral plasmid with hUbC-driven EYFP |
129427 | Lenti puro EF2 LUC-2A-Dendra2 | expression of LUC and Dendra2 reporters under EF2 promoter |
129428 | pLOC CMV-IRES-Dsred-blasticidin | expression of Dsred-blasticidin under CMVpromoter -IRES |
129429 | plex.mcs sv40promoter-luc | Luc expression under SV40 promoter |
129431 | EF1a mCherry | expression of mCherry from EF1a promoter |
129432 | EF1a CHR2 mCherry WPRE | expression of CHR2 mCherry from EF1a promoter |
129433 | pRS426 TEF mCherry | express mcherry |
129435 | pTRE2 EGFP | express GFP |
129436 | pCDH-UBC-LUC-EF1 Hygro | express LUC |
129437 | pCDH-UBC-DSRED-LUC-EF1 Hygro | express dsred-luc chimera |
129438 | pCDH-UBC-irfp luc-EF1 Hygro | express irfp-luc chimera |
129439 | pCDH-UBC-dendra 2LUC-EF1 Hygro | express dendra2-luc chimera |
129440 | pCDH-CMV-mCherry-EF1 Hygro | express mCherry |
129441 | pGEX-4T1 NLS-GFP | bacterial expression of GFP |
129442 | pTXB1 EGFP | expression of intein/ gfp |
129443 | EF1a- gfp-2a-puro | expression of GFP and Puro R |
129444 | pCDNA3.3 CAS9 IRES-Dsred | expression of FnCas9 and DsRed |
129445 | pET28a HAT epitope | expression of HAT epitope |