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The Chromatin Reader ZMYND8 Regulates Igh Enhancers to Promote Immunoglobulin Class Switch Recombination.

Delgado-Benito V, Rosen DB, Wang Q, Gazumyan A, Pai JA, Oliveira TY, Sundaravinayagam D, Zhang W, Andreani M, Keller L, Kieffer-Kwon KR, Pekowska A, Jung S, Driesner M, Subbotin RI, Casellas R, Chait BT, Nussenzweig MC, Di Virgilio M
Mol Cell. 2018 Nov 15;72(4):636-649.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2018.08.042. Epub 2018 Oct 4. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

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