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Senescence-associated ribosome biogenesis defects contributes to cell cycle arrest through the Rb pathway.

Lessard F, Igelmann S, Trahan C, Huot G, Saint-Germain E, Mignacca L, Del Toro N, Lopes-Paciencia S, Le Calve B, Montero M, Deschenes-Simard X, Bury M, Moiseeva O, Rowell MC, Zorca CE, Zenklusen D, Brakier-Gingras L, Bourdeau V, Oeffinger M, Ferbeyre G
Nat Cell Biol. 2018 Jul;20(7):789-799. doi: 10.1038/s41556-018-0127-y. Epub 2018 Jun 25. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
122235pBABE-RPS14(WT)-Mycexpresses RPS14 protein with a Myc tag in mammalian cells (puro resistance)
122236MSCV-RPS14(WT)-Mycexpresses RPS14 protein with a Myc tag in mammalian cells (hygro resistance)
122296pBABE-RSLID1(WT)expresses RSL1D1 protein in mammalian cells (puro resistance)
122297pcDNA3-FLAG-RPS14(WT)expresses RPS14 protein with a flag tag
122298pcDNA3-FLAG-RPS14(2-88)expresses a part of RPS14 protein with a flag tag
122299pcDNA3-FLAG-RPS14(89-151)expresses a part of RPS14 protein with a flag tag
122300pcDNA3-Myc-CyclinD1(WT)expresses Cyclin D1 protein with a Myc tag
122301pcDNA3.1-3xFLAG-RSL1D1(WT)expresses RSL1D1 protein with a flag tag

Antibodies from Article