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A TPR domain-containing N-terminal module of MPS1 is required for its kinetochore localization by Aurora B.

Nijenhuis W, von Castelmur E, Littler D, De Marco V, Tromer E, Vleugel M, van Osch MH, Snel B, Perrakis A, Kops GJ
J Cell Biol. 2013 Apr 15;201(2):217-31. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201210033. Epub 2013 Apr 8. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
114044pCDNA5-LAP-MPS1-WTExpression of exogenous LAP tagged MPS1 WT
114045pCDNA5-LAP-MPS1-KDExpression of exogenous LAP tagged MPS1 Kinase-dead
114046pCDNA5-LAP-MPS1-d60Expression of exogenous LAP tagged MPS1 delta 60 (NTE is deleted)
114047pCDNA5-LAP-MPS1-d200Expression of exogenous LAP tagged MPS1 delta 200 (NTE and TPR are deleted)
114048pCDNA5-LAP-MPS1-dTPRExpression of exogenous LAP tagged MPS1 delta TPR (TPR is deleted)
114049pLacI-GFP-HEC1 WTExpression of exogenous LacI-GFP-HEC1 WT
114050pLacI-GFP-HEC1-d207Expression of exogenous LacI-GFP-HEC1 delta 207
114051pcDNA5-hygro-eGFP-HEC1-d207Expression of exogenous eGFP HEC1 delta 207

Antibodies from Article