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Mario Capecchi Lab: 2A plasmids

Nam HS, Capecchi MR

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
113836CAG-loxP-3xpA-sfGFP-tdTomato T2A -APGST XESuperfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by T2A (-APGST linker)
113837pCAGGS-mTagBFP2-T2A-iCreMonomeric TagBFP2 and iCre recombinase
113838CAG-loxP-3xpA-sfGFP-tdTomato T2A GST XESuperfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by T2A (GST linker)
113839CAG-loxP-3xpA-H2BsfGFP-tdTomato - T2A APGST -XEHistone H2B-superfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by T2A (APGST linker -XE)
113840CAG-loxP-3xpA-H2BsfGFP-tdTomato - T2A GST XEHistone H2B-superfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by T2A (GST linker)
113841CAG-loxP-3xpA-H2BsfGFP-tdTomato - T2A SGS XEHistone H2B-superfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by T2A (SGS linker)
113842CAG-loxP-3xpA-H2BsfGFP-tdTomato - T2A Q XEHistone H2B-superfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by T2A (Q linker)
113843CAG-loxP-3xpA-H2BsfGFP-tdTomato - T2A V XEHistone H2B-superfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by T2A (V linker)
113844CAG-loxP-3xpA-H2BsfGFP-tdTomato - T2A -APGST XEHistone H2B-superfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by T2A (-APGST linker)
113845CAG-loxP-3xpA-H2BsfGFP-tdTomato - long GSA linker EHistone H2B-superfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by long GSA linker
113846CAG-loxP-3xpA-sfGFP-tdTomato T2A SGS XESuperfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by T2A (SGS linker)
113847CAG-loxP-3xpA-H2BsfGFP-tdTomato - opt GS PQR Var3 P2A -APGST EHistone H2B-superfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by P2A (-APGST linker)
113848CAG-loxP-3xpA-H2BsfGFP-tdTomato - T2A APGST XEHistone H2B-superfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by T2A (APGST linker)
113849pCAGGS-pac-T2A-iCrePuromycin resistance gene and iCre recombinase
113850CAG-loxP-3xpA-sfGFP-tdTomato T2A APGST -XESuperfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by T2A (APGST linker, -XE)
113851CAG-loxP-3xpA-sfGFP-tdTomato T2A APGST XESuperfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by T2A (APGST linker)
113852CAG-loxP-3xpA-sfGFP-tdTomato T2A Q XESuperfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by T2A (Q linker)
113853CAG-loxP-3xpA-sfGFP-tdTomato T2A V XESuperfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by T2A (V linker)
113854CAG-loxP-3xpA-H2BsfGFP-tdTomato - P2A -APGST XEHistone H2B-superfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by P2A (-APGST linker)
113855CAG-loxP-3xpA-sfGFP-tdTomato long GSA linker ESuperfolder GFP and tdTomato linked by long GSA linker
124832pCAGGS-mTagBFP2-T2A-dreMonomeric TagBFP2 and dre recombinase
124833pCAGGS-pac-T2A-drePuromycin resistance gene and dre recombinase
124834pCAGGS-mTagBFP2-T2A-FLPoMonomeric TagBFP2 and FLP recombinase
124835pCAGGS-pac-T2A-FLPoPuromycin resistance gene and FLP recombinase
125821pCAGGS-pac-T2A-iCre (v2)Puromycin resistance gene and iCre recombinase (version 2)
125822pCAGGS-mTagBFP2-T2A-iCre (v2)Monomeric TagBFP2 and iCre recombinase (version 2)
183351CMV-H2B-sfGFP-T2A-iCreHistone H2B-sfGFP and iCre recombinase

Antibodies from Article