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A FRET-based biosensor for measuring Galpha13 activation in single cells.

Mastop M, Reinhard NR, Zuconelli CR, Terwey F, Gadella TWJ Jr, van Unen J, Adjobo-Hermans MJW, Goedhart J
PLoS One. 2018 Mar 5;13(3):e0193705. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193705. eCollection 2018. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
112930G13 sensor (Ga13_2)A FRET sensor for G13 activation, encoded on a single plasmid.
112931mVenus-P115-C1p115RhoGEF tagged with mVenus for detection of Ga13 activity
112932LPA2R-P2A-mCherryPlasmid co-producing the LPA2 receptor and a mCherry
112933Ga13_2-mTq2Human Galpha13 tagged with mTurquoise, inserted at residue 128
112934At1R-P2A-mCherryPlasmid co-producing the AT1R receptor and a mCherry

Antibodies from Article