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A Viral Receptor Complementation Strategy to Overcome CAV-2 Tropism for Efficient Retrograde Targeting of Neurons.

Li SJ, Vaughan A, Sturgill JF, Kepecs A
Neuron. 2018 Jun 6;98(5):905-917.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.05.028. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
111386pAAV-hSyn-DIO {ChETA}on-WPREAAV expression of ChETA (hChR2 with E123T/H134R mutations) fused to HA tag driven by hSynapsin promoter in Cre-ON manner for optogenetic activation
111387pAAV-hSyn-DIO {mCAR}off-{ChETA}on-WPREAAV vector with hSynapsin promoter, Cre-OFF mCAR (for efficient CAV-2 infection) and Cre-ON ChETA (for optogenetic activation)
111388pAAV-hSyn-DIO {hCAR}off-{ChETA}on-WPREAAV vector with hSynapsin promoter, Cre-OFF hCAR (for efficient CAV-2 infection) and Cre-ON ChETA (for optogenetic activation)
111389pAAV-hSyn-DIO {ChETA-mRuby2}on-W3SLAAV vector with hSynapsin promoter, Cre-ON ChETA-mRuby2 (for optogenetic activation), and W3SL regulatory cassette (for maximize cloning capacity)
111390pAAV-hSyn-DIO {mCAR}off-{ChETA-mRuby2}on-W3SLAAV vector with hSynapsin promoter, Cre-OFF mCAR (for efficient CAV-2 infection), Cre-ON ChETA-mRuby2 (for optogenetic activation), and W3SL regulatory cassette (for maximize cloning capacity)
111391pAAV-hSyn-DIO {hCAR}off-{ChETA-mRuby2}on-W3SLAAV vector with hSynapsin promoter, Cre-OFF hCAR (for efficient CAV-2 infection), Cre-ON ChETA-mRuby2 (for optogenetic activation), and W3SL regulatory cassette (for maximize cloning capacity)
111392pAAV-hSyn-DIO {hCAR}off-{ChETA-EYFP}on-W3SLAAV vector with hSynapsin promoter, Cre-OFF hCAR (for efficient CAV-2 infection), Cre-ON ChETA-EYFP (for optogenetic activation), and W3SL regulatory cassette (for maximize cloning capacity)
111393pAAV-hSyn-DIO {mCAR}off-{GCaMP6f}on-WPREAAV vector with hSynapsin promoter, Cre-OFF mCAR (for efficient CAV-2 infection) and Cre-ON GCaMP6f (ultrasensitive calcium sensor)
111394pAAV-hSyn-DIO {hCAR}off-{GCaMP6f}on-W3SLAAV vector with hSynapsin promoter, Cre-OFF hCAR (for efficient CAV-2 infection), Cre-ON GCaMP6f (ultrasensitive calcium sensor), and W3SL regulatory cassette (for maximize cloning capacity)
111395pAAV-hSyn-DIO {mCAR}off-{DTR-GFP}on-WPREAAV vector with hSynapsin promoter, Cre-OFF mCAR (for efficient CAV-2 infection), Cre-ON DTR-EGFP (diphtheria toxin receptor for cell ablation)
111396pAAV-hSyn-DIO {hCAR}off-{DTR-GFP}on-W3SLAAV vector with hSynapsin promoter, Cre-OFF hCAR (for efficient CAV-2 infection), Cre-ON DTR-EGFP (diphtheria toxin receptor for cell ablation), and W3SL cassette (for maximize cloning capacity)
111397pAAV-hSyn-DIO {hCAR}off-{hM4Di-mCherry}on-W3SLAAV vector with hSynapsin promoter, Cre-OFF hCAR (for efficient CAV-2 infection), Cre-ON hM4Di-mCherry (Gi-coupled DREADD for neuronal silencing), W3SL cassette (for maximize cloning capacity)

Antibodies from Article