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Switching of metabolic programs in response to light availability is an essential function of the cyanobacterial circadian output pathway.

Puszynska AM, O'Shea EK
Elife. 2017 Apr 21;6. pii: e23210. doi: 10.7554/eLife.23210. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
101826kaiBC-deletes kaiBC locus
101828P0050::kaiBCdrives expression of kaiBC from an rpaA-independent promoter
101829rpaA_NS1drives expression of rpaA from the NS1 site in the S. elongatus PCC7942 genome
101830P0050::rpaAdrives expression of rpaA from an rpaA-independent promoter
101831P0050::rpaAD53Adrives expression of rpaA D53A variant from an rpaA-independent promoter
101836P0050::kaiBC S431E T432E NS1drives expression of kaiBC S431E T432E variant from an rpaA-independent promoter in NS1 locus
101837P0050::kaiBC S431A T432A NS1drives expression of kaiBC S431A T432A variant from an rpaA-independent promoter in NS1 locus
101838glgP-gap1-deletes glgP_gap1 locus
101839zwf-fbp-opcA-deletes zwf_fbp_opcA locus
101840gnd-deletes gnd locus
101841glgA-deletes glgA locus
101842glgC-deletes glgC locus
101843Ptrc::galP_NS1drives expression of galP transporter from NS1 locus
101844Ptrc::gnddrives expression of gnd using Ptrc promoter
101845Ptrc::glgP_gap1Replaces native promoter of glgP_gap1 with Ptrc promoter
101846Ptrc::zwf_fbp_opcAReplaces native promoter of zwf_fbp_opcA with Ptrc promoter
101847rpaA-deletes rpaA
102321P0050::rpaA (KmR)drives expression of rpaA from an rpaA-independent promoter (kanamycin resistance casette)
105229Ptrc::RpaA D53Ainducible expression of unphosphorylatable variant of RpaA (D53A)

Antibodies from Article