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Near-infrared fluorescent protein iRFP713 as a reporter protein for optogenetic vectors, a transgenic Cre-reporter rat, and other neuronal studies.

Richie CT, Whitaker LR, Whitaker KW, Necarsulmer J, Baldwin HA, Zhang Y, Fortuno L, Hinkle JJ, Koivula P, Henderson MJ, Sun W, Wang K, Smith JC, Pickel J, Ji N, Hope BT, Harvey BK
J Neurosci Methods. 2017 Jun 1;284:1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2017.03.020. Epub 2017 Apr 2. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
47626pOTTC374 - pAAV EF1a DIO iRFPAn AAV vector that expresses iRFP in a Cre-dependent manner (DIO, double floxed inverted open reading frame).
47631pOTTC469 - pAAV EF1a DIO eNpHR3.0-iRFPAn AAV vector that expresses engineered halorhodopsin 3.0 (fused to iRFP) in a Cre-dependent manner (DIO, double floxed inverted open reading frame).
47633pOTTC468 - pAAV EF1a DIO hChR2(H134R)-iRFPAn AAV vector that expresses channel rhodopsin 2 (H134R) (fused to iRFP) in a Cre-dependent manner (DIO, double floxed inverted open reading frame).
47636pOTTC337 - pAAV EF1a DIO mCherryAn AAV vector that expresses mCherry in a Cre-dependent manner (DIO, double floxed inverted open reading frame).
47903pOTTC364 - pAAV CaMKIIa iRFPAn AAV vector that expresses iRFP under the CaM Kinase IIa promoter.
47904pOTTC352 - pAAV CaMKIIa eNpHR3.0-iRFPAn AAV vector that expresses engineered halorhodopsin 3.0 (fused to iRFP) under the CaM Kinase IIa promoter.
47905pOTTC351 - pAAV CaMKIIa hChR2(H134R)-iRFPAn AAV vector that expresses channel rhodopsin 2 (H134R) (fused to iRFP) under the CaM Kinase IIa promoter.
47906pOTTC475 - pAAV c-fos iRFPAn AAV vector that expresses iRFP under the c-fos promoter.
47907pOTTC476 - pAAV c-fos eYFPAn AAV vector that expresses eYFP under the c-fos promoter.
59132pOTTC588 - pAAV c-fos Nuc-iRFPAn AAV vector that expresses nuclear localized iRFP under control of the c-fos promoter.
59133pOTTC589 - pAAV c-fos Nuc-eYFPAn AAV vector that expresses nuclear localized eYFP under control of the c-fos promoter.
59134pOTTC591 - pCMV Mem-iRFPA plasmid that express membrane-targeted iRFP under the CMV promoter.
59135pOTTC592 - pCMV Mito-iRFPA plasmid that express mitochondrial-targeted iRFP under the CMV promoter.
59136pOTTC590 - pCMV ER-iRFPA plasmid that express endoplasmic reticulum-targeted iRFP under the CMV promoter.

Antibodies from Article