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PDGFRbeta and oncogenic mutant PDGFRalpha D842V promote disassembly of primary cilia through a PLCgamma- and AURKA-dependent mechanism.

Nielsen BS, Malinda RR, Schmid FM, Pedersen SF, Christensen ST, Pedersen LB
J Cell Sci. 2015 Oct 1;128(19):3543-9. doi: 10.1242/jcs.173559. Epub 2015 Aug 19. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
66787pcDNA5FRT-EF-Pdgfralpha-EGFPN Expression of murine PDGFRalpha tagged with GFP under the control of EF1a promoter
66789pcDNA5FRT-EF-Pdgfralpha-EGFPN D842VExpression of constitutively active murine PDGFRalpha D842V tagged with GFP under the control of EF1a promoter
66790pcDNA5FRT-EF-Pdgfrbeta-EGFPN Expression of murine PDGFRbeta tagged with GFP under the control of EF1a promoter

Antibodies from Article