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Tmeff2 is expressed in differentiating oligodendrocytes but dispensable for their differentiation in vivo.

Huang H, Teng P, Mei R, Yang A, Zhang Z, Zhao X, Qiu M
Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 23;7(1):337. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-00407-1. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
99728pT7T3D-PacI-Tmeff2to make in situ RNA probes for Tmeff2
99729pCDH-CMV-Tmeff2-3xFlag-EF1-nlsCopGFPoverexpression of Tmeff2 and CopGFP
99730pCDH-CMV-Tmeff2-2xMyc-EF1-copGFPoverexpression of Tmeff2 and mCherry
99731pCDH-CMV-PDGFRa-3xFlag-EF1-nlsCopGFPoverexpression of PDGFRa and CopGFP

Antibodies from Article