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A Versatile Viral System for Expression and Depletion of Proteins in Mammalian Cells

Campeau E, Ruhl VE, Rodier F, Smith CL, Rahmberg BL, Fuss JO, Campisi J, Yaswen P, Cooper PK, Kaufman PD.
PLoS One. 2009 Aug 6;4(8):e6529. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
20953pLenti X1 Puro empty (w610-1)3rd gen lentiviral empty control vector, Puro
20957pLenti X2 Puro Empty (w609-1)3rd gen lentiviral RNAi empty control vector, 3’LTR insertion, Puro
20958pLenti X2 Hygro/pTER shLUC (w607-1)3rd gen lentiviral Luciferase shRNA (H1/TO promoter), 3’LTR insertion, Hygro
20962pLenti X2 Blast/pTER shLUC (w618-1)3rd gen lentiviral Luciferase shRNA (H1/TO promoter), 3’LTR insertion, Blast 
21471pLenti PGK V5-LUC Neo (w623-2)3rd gen lentiviral V5-Luciferase expression vector, PGK promoter, Neo
21472pLenti X2 Puro/pTER shLUC (w589-1)3rd gen lentiviral Luciferase shRNA (H1/TO promoter), 3’LTR insertion, Puro
21474pLenti CMV V5-LUC Blast (w567-1)3rd gen lentiviral V5-Luciferase expression vector, CMV promoter, Blast
21561pLenti X2 Zeo/pTER shLUC (w648-1)3rd gen lentiviral Luciferase shRNA (H1/TO promoter), 3’LTR insertion, Zeo
21562pLenti X2 Zeo DEST (749-3)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, RNAi, 3'LTR insertion, Zeo

Antibodies from Article