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Gene Essentiality Profiling Reveals Gene Networks and Synthetic Lethal Interactions with Oncogenic Ras.

Wang T, Yu H, Hughes NW, Liu B, Kendirli A, Klein K, Chen WW, Lander ES, Sabatini DM
Cell. 2017 Feb 1. pii: S0092-8674(17)30061-2. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.01.013. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
86122pMXs-HA-C1orf27Retroviral vector expressing HA-C1orf27-IRES-Bsd
86124pMXs-RAP2A-GFPRetroviral vector expressing RAP2A-GFP-IRES-Bsd
86125pMXs-NDUFAF5-HARetroviral vector expressing NDUFAF5-HA-IRES-Bsd
86127LentiCRISPR-sgPREX1Lentiviral vector expressing Cas9 and an sgRNA targeting PREX1
86128LentiCRISPR-sgSHOC2-1Lentiviral vector expressing Cas9 and an sgRNA targeting SHOC2
86129LentiCRISPR-sgSHOC2-2Lentiviral vector expressing Cas9 and an sgRNA targeting SHOC2
86130LentiCRISPR-sgC1orf27-1Lentiviral vector expressing Cas9 and an sgRNA targeting C1orf27
86131LentiCRISPR-sgC1orf27-2Lentiviral vector expressing Cas9 and an sgRNA targeting C1orf27
86132LentiCRISPR-sgUBA5Lentiviral vector expressing Cas9 and an sgRNA targeting UBA5
86133LentiCRISPR-sgUFM1Lentiviral vector expressing Cas9 and an sgRNA targeting UFM1
86134LentiCRISPR-sgUFSP2Lentiviral vector expressing Cas9 and an sgRNA targeting UFSP2
86135LentiCRISPR-sgC17orf89-2Lentiviral vector expressing Cas9 and an sgRNA targeting C17orf89
86136LentiCRISPR-sgC17orf89-3Lentiviral vector expressing Cas9 and an sgRNA targeting C17orf89
86137LentiCRISPR-sgC17orf89-1Lentiviral vector expressing Cas9 and an sgRNA targeting C17orf89
86138pMXs2-RAC1Retrolviral vector expressing RAC1-IRES-Bsd-p2A-RFP
86139pMXs2-RAC1 G12VRetroviral vector expressing RAC1(G12V)-IRES-Bsd-p2A-RFP
86141pMXs2-MEK1Retroviral vector expressing MEK1-IRES-Bsd-p2A-RFP
86143pMXs3-TIAM1Retroviral vector expressing TIAM1-IRES-RFP
86144pMXs3-NRAS G13DRetroviral vector expressing NRAS(G13D)-IRES-RFP
86145pLenti-Cas9-GFPLentiviral vector expressing Cas9-GFP
92352Sabatini/Lander Lab Ras synthetic lethal candidate focused human sgRNA library in lentiCRISPRv1contains 6,661 sgRNAs (comprising 499 intergenic control sgRNAs and 6,162 sgRNAs targeting 132 control and candidate Ras synthetic lethal genes at up to 50 sgRNAs per gene)

Antibodies from Article