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The dTAG system for immediate and target-specific protein degradation.

Nabet B, Roberts JM, Buckley DL, Paulk J, Dastjerdi S, Yang A, Leggett AL, Erb MA, Lawlor MA, Souza A, Scott TG, Vittori S, Perry JA, Qi J, Winter GE, Wong KK, Gray NS, Bradner JE
Nat Chem Biol. 2018 May;14(5):431-441. doi: 10.1038/s41589-018-0021-8. Epub 2018 Mar 26. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
91792pCRIS-PITChv2-BSD-dTAG (BRD4)PITCh dTAG donor vector for BSD-P2A-2xHA-FKBP_F36V knock-in into the N-terminus of the human BRD4 locus.
91793pCRIS-PITChv2-Puro-dTAG (BRD4)PITCh dTAG donor vector for Puro-P2A-2xHA-FKBP_F36V knock-in into the N-terminus of the human BRD4 locus.
91794pX330A-nBRD4/PITChPITCh sgRNA, N-terminal BRD4 sgRNA, and Cas9 expressing plasmid for use with the dTAG knock-in system and BRD4
91795pCRIS-PITChv2-dTAG-BSD (BRD4)PITCh dTAG donor vector for FKBP_F36V-2xHA-P2A-BSD knock-in into the C-terminus of the human BRD4 locus.
91796pCRIS-PITChv2-dTAG-Puro (BRD4)PITCh dTAG donor vector for FKBP_F36V-2xHA-P2A-Puro knock-in into the C-terminus of the human BRD4 locus.
91797pLEX_305-N-dTAGLentiviral/gateway cloning vector for N-terminally tagging proteins of interest with the dTAG system
91798pLEX_305-C-dTAGLentiviral/gateway cloning vector for C-terminally tagging proteins of interest with the dTAG system

Antibodies from Article