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Improved split fluorescent proteins for endogenous protein labeling.

Feng S, Sekine S, Pessino V, Li H, Leonetti MD, Huang B
Nat Commun. 2017 Aug 29;8(1):370. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00494-8. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
82602pcDNA3.1_sfCherry2(1-10)Expresses sfCherry2(1-10) fusion in mammalian cells
82603pSFFV_sfCherry2(1-10)Lentiviral vector for constitutive expression of sfCherry2(1-10)
82604pEGFP_sfCherry2(11)_KeratinExpresses sfCherry2(11) tagged keratin in mammalian cells
82605pEGFP_sfCherry2(11)_H2BExpresses sfCherry2(11) tagged H2B in mammalian cells
82606pSFFV_sfCherry2(11)_TagBFPExpresses sfCherry2(11) and TagBFP fusion in mammalian cells
82607pEGFP_sfCherry2(11)_HP1Expresses sfCherry2(11) tagged heterochromatin protein1 in mammalian cells
82608pEGFP_mNG2(11)_Clathrin light chainExpresses mNG2(11) tagged clathrin light chain in mammalian cells
82610pSFFV_mNG2(11)1-10Lentiviral vector of constitutive expression of mNeonGreen2(1-10)
82611pET_mNG2(1-10)_32aalinker_mNG2(11)Bacterial expression vector for split mNeonGreen2 screening
82612pcDNA3.1_PAsfCherry2(1-10)Express PAsfCherry2(1-10) in mammalian cells
83030pET_sfCherry(1-10)_32aalinker_sfCherry(11)Bacterial expression vector for split sfCherry screening
83031pSFFV_sfCherry2_TagBFPExpresses full length sfCherry2 and TagBFP fusion in mammalian cells
83032pEGFP_sfCherry2(11)_Clathrin light chainExpresses sfCherry2(11) tagged clathrin light chain in mammalian cells
83033pEGFP_TOMM20_sfCherry2(11)Expresses sfCherry2(11) tagged TOMM20 (human) in mammalian cells cells
83034pEGFP_sfCherry2(11)_zyxinExpresses sfCherry2(11) tagged zyxin (human) in mammalian cells

Antibodies from Article