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A MultiSite Gateway Toolkit for Rapid Cloning of Vertebrate Expression Constructs with Diverse Research Applications.

Fowler DK, Stewart S, Seredick S, Eisen JS, Stankunas K, Washbourne P
PLoS One. 2016 Aug 8;11(8):e0159277. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159277. eCollection 2016. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
80802p5E-CMVminminimal cytomegalovirus immediate early enhancer/promoter (CMVmin) from pcDNA3
80804p5E-ESyn1hSyn1 promoter fused to CMVmin
80806pME-mKate2 no stopred fluorophore without stop codon
80807pME-GFP-P2AGFP without stop codon followed by porcine teschovirus-1 2A (P2A) "self-cleaving" peptide
80808pME-nlsGFP-P2Anuclear localization signal fused to N-terminus of GFP (nlsGFP) without stop codon, followed by P2A
80809pME-memGFP-P2AFyn myristoylation domain fused to N-terminus of GFP (memGFP) without stop codon, followed by P2A
80810p3E-mKate2-HA no-pAhemagglutinin (HA) epitope fused to C-terminus of mKate2 without pA
80812p3E-mKate2-myc no-pAmyc epitope fused to C-terminus of mKate2 without pA
80813p3E-GFP no-pAGFP without pA
80814p3E-nlsGFP pAnlsGFP with pA
80815p3E-nlsGFP no-pAnlsGFP without pA
80817p3E-GFPmem no-pAGFPmem without pA
80819p3E-CMVmin:GFP no-pACMVmin-promoted GFP without pA
80821p3E-CMVmin:nlsGFP pACMVmin-promoted nlsGFP with pA
80823p3E-CMVmin:GFPmem pACMVmin-promoted GFPmem with pA
80824p3E-CMVmin:GFPmem no-pACMVmin-promoted GFPmem without pA
80825p3E-P2A-MCS no-pAP2A followed by multiple cloning site without pA
80826p3E-P2A-GFP no-pAP2A followed by GFP without pA
80827p3E-P2A-CFP no-pAP2A followed by CFP without pA
80828p3E-P2A-mKate2 no-pAP2A followed by mKate2 without pA
82400p5E-elavl3Gateway-compatible zebrafish elavl3 promoter
82401p5E-gfapGateway-compatible zebrafish gfap promoter
82402p5E-mnx1Gateway-compatible zebrafish mnx1 promoter
82404pME-tdTomato no stopGateway-compatible tdTomato fusion reporter
82405pME-BrainbowTECGateway-compatible Brainbow-1.0 with fluorophores tdTomato-myc/EGFP/E2Crimson-HA
82406pME-FlEx switchGateway-compatible FlEx cassette containing two pairs of heterotypic, antiparallel loxP-type recombination sites
82579p5E-hPGK5' entry vector containing human phosphoglycerate kinase (hPGK) promoter for ubiquitous expression
82583p5E-EF1a/b-actin5' entry vector containing the EF1a/B-globin fused to zebrafish b-actin 2 enhancer/promoter for strong semi-ubiquitous expression
82586p5E-Ui4-eSIBR5'entry vector containing human ubiquitin C promoter followed by intronically-expressed eSIBR cassette for ubiquitous expression, RNAi
82589p3E-GFP-HA no-pA3' entry vector containing HA epitope fused to C-terminus of GFP without pA for imaging, epitope labeling/purification
82590p3E-YFP-HA no-pA3' entry vector containing HA epitope fused to C-terminus of YFP without pA for imaging, epitope labeling/purification
82591p3E-CFP-HA no-pA3' entry vector containing HA epitope fused to c-terminus of CFP without pA for imaging, epitope labeling/purification
82592p3E-mCherry-HA no-pA3' entry vector with HA epitope fused to C-terminus of mCherry without pA for imaging, epitope labeling/purification
82593p3E-HA no-pA3' entry vector containing HA epitope fused to C-terminus of mCherry without pA for epitope labeling/purification
82594p3E-FRB-HA no-pA3' entry vector containing HA epitope fused to C-terminus of TOR FKBP and rapamycin binding (FRB) domain without pA for rapamycin/rapalog induced dimerization
82595p3E-mCherry-FRB-HA no-pA3' entry vector containing HA epitope fused to C-terminus and mCherry fused to N-terminus of FRB without pA for rapamycin/rapalog induced dimerization
82596p3E-FRB(KTF)-HA no-pA3' entry vector containing HA epitope tag fused to C-terminus of FRB mutant (W2101F) without pA for rapamycin/rapalog induced dimerization
82597p3E-FRB(PLF)-HA no-pA3' entry vector containing HA epitope tag fused to C-terminus of FRB mutant (K2095P, T2098L, W2101F) without pA for rapamycin/rapalog induced dimerization
82598p3E-FKBP-HA no-pAHA epitope tag fused to C-terminus of human FK506 binding protein 12 (FKBP12) without pA for rapamycin/rapalog induced dimerization
82599p3E-SGTAP no-pA3' entry vector containing streptavidin binding protein (SBP) followed by a TEV cleavage site and 2 protein G copies without pA for tandem affinity purification
82600p3E-Dam-myc no-pA3' entry vector containing myc epitope tag fused to C-terminus of E. coli DNA adenine methyltransferase without pA for DamID
82601p3E-FRT-KanR-FRT pA3' entry vector containing FRT-flanked kanamycin resistance cassette (KanR) with pA for FLP-induced kanamycin resistance, drug selection
84372pEpic3rd-generation lentiviral destination vector for gateway cloning with puromycin resistance.
84373pEpic_Lite3rd-generation lentiviral destination vector for gateway cloning

Antibodies from Article