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Next-generation RNA-based fluorescent biosensors enable anaerobic detection of cyclic di-GMP.

Wang XC, Wilson SC, Hammond MC
Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jul 5. pii: gkw580. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
79158pET31b-T7-Spinach2-CtExpresses the Ct biosensor under a T7 promoter
79159pET31b-T7-Spinach2-DpExpresses the Dp biosensor under a T7 promoter
79160pET31b-T7-Spinach2-Pl-AExpresses the Pl-A biosensor under a T7 promoter
79161pET31b-T7-Spinach2-Pl-BExpresses the Pl-B biosensor under a T7 promoter
79162pCOLA-T7-WspRExpresses WspR WT under a T7 promoter
79163pCOLA-T7-WspR:G249AExpresses inactive WspR G249A under a T7 promoter
79164pCOLA-T7-WspR:D70EExpresses constitutively active WspR D70E under a T7 promoter
79165pCOLA-T7-YhjHExpresses YhjH under a T7 promoter
79166pETDuet-T7-Ct-WspRDual expression of Ct biosensor and WspR WT under individual T7 promoters
79167pETDuet-T7-Ct-YhjHDual expression of Ct biosensor and YhjH under individual T7 promoters
79783pET31b-T7-Spinach2Expresses Spinach2 under a T7 promoter

Antibodies from Article