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A versatile viral system for expression and depletion of proteins in mammalian cells.

Campeau E, Ruhl VE, Rodier F, Smith CL, Rahmberg BL, Fuss JO, Campisi J, Yaswen P, Cooper PK, Kaufman PD.
PLoS One. 2009 Aug 6;4(8):e6529. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
17291pLenti CMV/TO Hygro DEST (693-2)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, expression, CMV/TO promoter, Hygro
17292pLenti CMV/TO Neo DEST (685-3)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, expression, CMV/TO promoter, Neo
17293pLenti CMV/TO Puro DEST (670-1)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, expression, CMV/TO promoter, Puro
17294pLenti CMV/TO Zeo DEST (644-1)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, expression, CMV/TO promoter, Zeo
17295pLenti X2 Hygro DEST (w17-1)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, RNAi, 3’LTR insertion, Hygro
17296pLenti X2 Puro DEST (w16-1)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, RNAi, 3’LTR insertion, Puro
17297pLenti X1 Puro DEST (694-6)3rd gen lentiviral promoter-less Gateway destination vector, Puro
17338pENTR/pSUPER+ (575-1)Gateway entry vector for shRNA expression under H1 promoter
17386pQCXP CMV/TO DEST (w360-1)Retroviral Gateway destination vector, Expression, CMV/TO promoter, Puro
17387pENTR/pSM2(U6) (w51-1)Gateway entry vector for miRNA expression under U6 promoter
17388pENTR/pSM2(CMV/TO) (w55-1)Gateway entry vector for miRNA expression under CMV/TO promoter
17389pENTR/pSM2(CMV) (w57-1)Gateway entry vector for miRNA expression under CMV promoter
17390pLenti X2 Neo DEST (w18-1)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, RNAi, 3’LTR insertion, Neo
17391pLenti X2 Blast DEST (w46-2)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, RNAi, 3’LTR insertion, Blast
17392pLenti CMV Neo DEST (705-1)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, expression, CMV promoter, Neo
17393pQCXP CMV/TO empty (w368-1)Retroviral Empty control vector, CMV/TO promoter, Puro
17394pQCXIH CMV/TO DEST (w382-1)Retroviral Gateway destination vector, Expression, CMV/TO promoter, Hygro
17396pENTR4-GFP-C1 (w392-1)Gateway entry vector for N-term eGFP fusion, frame C1
17397pENTR4-GFP-C3 (w393-1)Gateway entry vector for N-term eGFP fusion, frame C3
17398pENTR1A no ccDB (w48-1)Gateway entry 1A vector, no ccDB gene
17399pQCXIN X2 DEST (w310-1)Retroviral Gateway destination vector, RNAi, 3’LTR insertion, Neo
17400pQCXIB CMV/TO DEST (w320-1)Retroviral Gateway destination vector, Expression, CMV/TO promoter, Blast 
17401pQCXIZ CMV/TO DEST (w321-2)Retroviral Gateway destination vector, Expression, CMV/TO promoter, Zeo
17402pENTR1A-NTAP-A (w322-1)Gateway entry vector for NTAP (N-terminal affinity purification), frame A
17403pENTR1A-NTAP-B (w323-1)Gateway entry vector for NTAP (N-terminal affinity purification), frame B
17404pENTR1A-NTAP-C (w324-1)Gateway entry vector for NTAP (N-terminal affinity purification), frame C
17407pENTR4-V5-2-Ubc9 (w345-2)Gateway entry vector for N-term V5 tag, frame B and Ubc9 C-term
17413pENTR1A-FKBP12DD C-term (w350-2)Gateway entry vector for Degron, C-term
17414pENTR4-FKBP12DD N-term A (B3-1)Gateway entry vector for Degron, N-term, frame A
17415pENTR4-FKBP12DD N-term B (w385-4)Gateway entry vector for Degron, N-term, frame B
17416pENTR4-FKBP12DD N-term C (w385-10)Gateway entry vector for Degron, N-term, frame C
17423pENTR4-FLAG (w210-2)Gateway entry vector for N-term FLAG tag
17424pENTR4 no ccDB (686-1)Gateway entry vector, no ccDB gene
17425pENTR4-V5 (w71-3)Gateway entry vector for N-term V5 tag, frame A
17426pENTR4-V5-2 (w234-1)Gateway entry vector for N-term V5 tag, frame B
17427pEF-ENTR A (696-6)Gateway entry vector with EF1-a promoter, V5-His C-term, frame A
17428pEF-ENTR B (708-1)Gateway entry vector with EF1-a promoter, V5-His C-term, frame B
17429pEF-ENTR C (709-1)Gateway entry vector with EF1-a promoter, V5-His C-term, frame C 
17430pEF-ENTR-LacZ (710-1)Gateway entry vector with EF1-a promoter, V5-His C-term, Lac Z
17431pLenti CMV/TO GFP-Zeo DEST (719-1)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, expression, CMV/TO promoter, GFP-Zeo
17432pLenti CMV/TO DEST (775-1)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, expression, CMV/TO promoter
17446pLenti CMV GFP Hygro (656-4)3rd gen lentiviral eGFP expression vector, CMV promoter, Hygro
17447pLenti CMV GFP Neo (657-2)3rd gen lentiviral eGFP expression vector, CMV promoter, Neo
17448pLenti CMV GFP Puro (658-5)3rd gen lentiviral eGFP expression vector, CMV promoter, Puro
17449pLenti CMV GFP Zeo (637-7)3rd gen lentiviral eGFP expression vector, CMV promoter, Zeo
17451pLenti CMV Blast DEST (706-1)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, expression, CMV promoter, Blast 
17452pLenti CMV Puro DEST (w118-1)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, expression, CMV promoter, Puro
17453pENTR/pTER+ (430-1)Gateway entry vector for shRNA expression under H1/TO promoter
17454pLenti CMV Hygro DEST (w117-1)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, expression, CMV promoter, Hygro
17455pL106P-LUC-ENTR1A(w451-1)Gateway entry vector, Degron N-term Luciferase
17470pENTR/pTER shEGFP #1 (628-2)Gateway entry vector for EGFPshRNA#1 under H1/TO promoter
17471pENTR/pTER shEGFP #2 (728-2)Gateway entry vector for EGFPshRNA#2 under H1/TO promoter
17472pENTR/pTER shLUC (w177-1)Gateway entry vector for Firefly Luciferase shRNA under H1/TO promoter
17473pENTR-LUC (w158-1)Gateway entry vector, Firefly Luciferase
17474pQCXIP X2 DEST (w270-1)Retroviral Gateway destination vector, RNAi, 3’LTR insertion, Puro
17475pQCXIB CMV/TO LUC (w431-1)Retroviral Luciferase Expression vector, CMV/TO promoter, Blast 
17476pQCXP CMV/TO LUC (w432-1)Retroviral Luciferase expression vector, CMV/TO promoter, Puro 
17477pLenti CMV Puro LUC (w168-1)3rd gen lentiviral Luciferase expression vector, CMV promoter, Puro
17478pLenti X2 Neo empty (w36-1)3rd gen lentiviral RNAi empty control vector, 3’LTR insertion, Neo 
17479pLenti X2 Neo/pTER shEGFP#1 (w21-2)3rd gen lentiviral eGFP shRNA #1 (H1/TO promoter), 3’LTR insertion, Neo 
17480pLenti X2 Neo/pTER shEGFP#2 (w22-2)3rd gen lentiviral eGFP shRNA #2 (H1/TO promoter), 3’LTR insertion, Neo 
17481pLenti CMV/TO eGFP Puro (w159-1)3rd gen lentiviral eGFP expression vector, CMV/TO promoter, Puro 
17482pLenti CMV/TO Puro empty (w175-1)3rd gen lentiviral empty control vector, CMV/TO promoter, Puro
17483pLenti X2 Neo/pTER shLUC (w181-1)3rd gen lentiviral Luciferase shRNA (H1/TO promoter), 3’LTR insertion, Neo 
17484pLenti CMV/TO Hygro empty (w214-1)3rd gen lentiviral empty control vector, CMV/TO promoter, Hygro 
17485pLenti CMV/TO Neo empty (w215-1)3rd gen lentiviral empty control vector, CMV/TO promoter, Neo
17486pLenti CMV Blast empty (w263-1)3rd gen lentiviral empty control vector, CMV promoter, Blast 
17487pQCXIB empty (w335-1)Retroviral Empty control vector, CMV/TO promoter, Blast 
17488pQCXIN X2/pSM2(CMV/TO) empty (w334-1)Retroviral Empty control vector, miRNA (CMV/TO), 3’LTR insertion, Neo 
17489pQCXIN X2/pTER shLUC (w347-1)Retroviral Luciferase shRNA (H1/TO promoter), 3’LTR insertion, Neo
17491pQCXIP X2/pTER shLUC (w454-1)Retroviral Luciferase shRNA (H1/TO promoter), 3’LTR insertion, Puro
17492pLenti CMV TetR Blast (716-1)3rd gen lentiviral Tetracycline repressor expression vector, CMV promoter, Blast 
17740pQCXP CMV/TO V5-LUC (w476-1)Retroviral V5-Luciferase expression vector, CMV/TO promoter, Puro 
17741pENTR4-GST 6P-1 (w487-1)Gateway entry vector for N-term GST fusion, frame 6P-1
19065pLenti PGK Blast DEST (w524-1)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, expression, PGK promoter, Blast 
19066pLenti PGK Hygro DEST (w530-1)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, expression, PGK promoter, Hygro
19067pLenti PGK Neo DEST (w531-1)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, expression, PGK promoter, Neo
19068pLenti PGK Puro DEST (w529-2)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, expression, PGK promoter, Puro
19069pLenti PGK GFP Blast (w510-5)3rd gen lentiviral eGFP expression vector, PGK promoter, Blast
19070pLenti PGK GFP Puro (w509-5)3rd gen lentiviral eGFP expression vector, PGK promoter, Puro 
19135pENTR4-V5-LUC (w468-1)Gateway entry vector, V5-Luciferase
19166pLenti PGK Blast V5-LUC (w528-1)3rd gen lentiviral V5-Luciferase expression vector, PGK promoter, Blast
19167pQCXIN X2/pTER shEGFP#1 (w491-1)Retroviral eGFP shRNA #2 (H1/TO promoter), 3’LTR insertion, Neo
19170pENTR/pSM2(CMV) GFP (w513-1)Gateway entry vector for miRNA expression under CMV promoter and GFP reporter
19360pLenti PGK V5-LUC Puro (w543-1)3rd gen lentiviral V5-Luciferase expression vector, PGK promoter, Puro
19364pENTR1A-GFP-N2 (FR1)Gateway entry vector for C-term eGFP fusion, frame N2
19732pLenti CMV GFP DEST (736-1)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, expression/RNAi, eGFP co-expression
19785pLenti CMV/TO V5-LUC Puro (w549-1)3rd gen lentiviral V5-Luciferase expression vector, CMV/TO promoter, Puro
20025pENTR4-HA-myc-nuc (w557-1)Gateway entry vector for nuclear targeting of domains (N-term HA , C-term NLS, myc tags)
20026pENTR4-myc-nuc (w556-1)Gateway entry vector for nuclear targeting of domains (C-term NLS, myc tags)
20953pLenti X1 Puro empty (w610-1)3rd gen lentiviral empty control vector, Puro
20957pLenti X2 Puro Empty (w609-1)3rd gen lentiviral RNAi empty control vector, 3’LTR insertion, Puro
20958pLenti X2 Hygro/pTER shLUC (w607-1)3rd gen lentiviral Luciferase shRNA (H1/TO promoter), 3’LTR insertion, Hygro
20962pLenti X2 Blast/pTER shLUC (w618-1)3rd gen lentiviral Luciferase shRNA (H1/TO promoter), 3’LTR insertion, Blast 
21471pLenti PGK V5-LUC Neo (w623-2)3rd gen lentiviral V5-Luciferase expression vector, PGK promoter, Neo
21472pLenti X2 Puro/pTER shLUC (w589-1)3rd gen lentiviral Luciferase shRNA (H1/TO promoter), 3’LTR insertion, Puro
21474pLenti CMV V5-LUC Blast (w567-1)3rd gen lentiviral V5-Luciferase expression vector, CMV promoter, Blast
21561pLenti X2 Zeo/pTER shLUC (w648-1)3rd gen lentiviral Luciferase shRNA (H1/TO promoter), 3’LTR insertion, Zeo
21562pLenti X2 Zeo DEST (749-3)3rd gen lentiviral Gateway destination vector, RNAi, 3'LTR insertion, Zeo

Antibodies from Article