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The Geobacillus Plasmid Set: A Modular Toolkit for Thermophile Engineering.

Reeve B, Martinez-Klimova E, de Jonghe J, Leak DJ, Ellis T
ACS Synth Biol. 2016 Jul 1. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
71736pG1AKModular shuttle vector for Geobacillus and E. coli
71737pG1AK-mCherryModular shuttle vector for Geobacillus and E. coli
71738pG1AK-PheBModular shuttle vector for Geobacillus and E. coli
71739pG1AK-sfGFPModular shuttle vector for Geobacillus and E. coli
71740pG1CModular shuttle vector for Geobacillus and E. coli
71741pG1KModular shuttle vector for Geobacillus and E. coli
71742pG2KModular shuttle vector for Geobacillus and E. coli

Antibodies from Article