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A Retroviral CRISPR-Cas9 System for Cellular Autism-Associated Phenotype Discovery in Developing Neurons.

Williams MR, Fricano-Kugler CJ, Getz SA, Skelton PD, Lee J, Rizzuto CP, Geller JS, Li M, Luikart BW
Sci Rep. 2016 May 10;6:25611. doi: 10.1038/srep25611. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
75346FUG-T2A-Cas9Ubiquitin promoter expresses GFP and humanized spCas9 (from PX330) via a T2A motif. For cell transfection or use in lentiviral packaging. Use Pac1 and/or BstB1 sites to insert sgRNAs from PXL.
75347pRubiC-T2A-Cas9Ubiquitin promoter expresses mCherry and humanized spCas9 (PX330) via a T2A motif. For cell transfection or use in retroviral (MMuLV) packaging. Use Pac1 and/or BstB1 sites to insert sgRNAs from PXL.
75348pRubiG-T2A-Cas9Ubiquitin promoter expresses GFP and humanized spCas9 (PX330) via a T2A motif. For cell transfection or use in retroviral (MMuLV) packaging. Use Pac1 and/or BstB1 sites to insert sgRNAs from PXL.
75349PXLPX330 derived. Bbs1 & annealed oligos to insert guide strand. BstB1+Pac1 of PXL and FUX-/pRubiX- T2A-Cas9 for choice of sgRNA, viral backbone, and fluorescent protein. Pac1 to introduce 2nd sgRNA.

Antibodies from Article