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Cyanobacterial production of plant essential oils.

Formighieri C, Melis A
Planta. 2018 Oct;248(4):933-946. doi: 10.1007/s00425-018-2948-0. Epub 2018 Jul 4. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
74000CpcB-Abies-grandisPHLS_CpcAExpresses the Abies grandis PHLS as a fusion with the CpcB protein plus the CmR cassete in Synechocystis
74001CpcB-Picea-sitchensisPHLS_CpcAExpresses the Picea sitchensis PHLS as a fusion with the CpcB protein plus the CmR cassete in Synechocystis
74002CpcB-Pinus-banksianaPHLS_CpcAExpresses the Pinus banksiana PHLS as a fusion with the CpcB protein plus the CmR cassete in Synechocystis
74003CpcB-Solanum-lycopersicumPHLS_CpcAExpresses the Solanum lycopersicum PHLS as a fusion with the CpcB protein plus the NPPS and CmR cassete in Synechocystis
74004CpcBfull-NaGLS fusion_CpcAExpresses the Nicotiana attenuata GLS as a fusion with the CpcB protein plus the CmR cassete in Synechocystis

Antibodies from Article