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A New Generation of FRET Sensors for Robust Measurement of Galphai1, Galphai2 and Galphai3 Activation Kinetics in Single Cells.

van Unen J, Stumpf AD, Schmid B, Reinhard NR, Hordijk PL, Hoffmann C, Gadella TW Jr, Goedhart J
PLoS One. 2016 Jan 22;11(1):e0146789. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146789. eCollection 2016. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
69620Galphai1-mTurquoise2The heterotrimeric G-protein subunit, Gαi isoform 1, tagged with mTurquoise2
69621Galphai2-mTurquoise2The heterotrimeric G-protein subunit, Gαi isoform 2, tagged with mTurquoise2
69622Galphai3-mTurquoise2The heterotrimeric G-protein subunit, Gαi isoform 3, tagged with mTurquoise2
69623Gβ-2A-cpV-Gγ2-IRES-Gαi1-mTq2A FRET sensor for Galphai1 activation, encoded on a single plasmid.
69624Gβ-2A-cpV-Gγ2-IRES-Gαi2-mTq2A FRET sensor for Galphai2 activation, encoded on a single plasmid.
69625Gβ-2A-cpV-Gγ2-IRES-Gαi3-mTq2A FRET sensor for Galphai3 activation, encoded on a single plasmid.
69626cpVenus-Gγ2The heterotrimeric G-protein subunit, Gγ2, tagged with circular permutated Venus (cp173V).

Antibodies from Article