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RNA G-quadruplexes cause eIF4A-dependent oncogene translation in cancer.

Wolfe AL, Singh K, Zhong Y, Drewe P, Rajasekhar VK, Sanghvi VR, Mavrakis KJ, Jiang M, Roderick JE, Van der Meulen J, Schatz JH, Rodrigo CM, Zhao C, Rondou P, de Stanchina E, Teruya-Feldstein J, Kelliher MA, Speleman F, Porco JA Jr, Pelletier J, Ratsch G, Wendel HG
Nature. 2014 Sep 4;513(7516):65-70. doi: 10.1038/nature13485. Epub 2014 Jul 27. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
70039PGL4-4X TE Down (GQs) RenillaPlasmid for testing 5’UTR TE Down (G-quadruplex) folding elements
70040PGL4-4X Mut RenillaControl plasmid for testing 5'UTR folding elements
70042MIG-eIF4A1 P159EExpression of eIF4A1 P159E mutant construct in mammalian cells.
70043MIG-eIF4A1 F163LExpression of eIF4A1 F163L mutant in mammalian cells
70044MIG-eIF4A1 Q195EExpression of eIF4A1 Q195E mutant in mammalian cells

Antibodies from Article