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Plasma membrane restricted RhoGEF activity is sufficient for RhoA-mediated actin polymerization.

van Unen J, Reinhard NR, Yin T, Wu YI, Postma M, Gadella TW, Goedhart J
Sci Rep. 2015 Oct 5;5:14693. doi: 10.1038/srep14693. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
67894pmVenus-C2-MmMKL2Expresses a fusion of mVenus with MKL2 (MRTF-B) in mammalian cells
67895p63(1-29)-mCherry-N1Expresses of fusion of mCherry with the N-terminal 29 amino acids of p63RhoGEF
67896pmCherry-C1-p63RhoGEFExpresses a fusion of mCherry with full-length p63RhoGEF in mammalian cells
67897pmCherry-C1-pmDHExpresses a fusion of mCherry with the membrane located DH domain (1-347) of p63RhoGEF in mammalian cells
67898pmCherry-C1-DHExpresses a fusion of mCherry with the DH domain (155-347) of p63RhoGEF in mammalian cells
67899pYC3.60-C1Yellow Cameleon 3.60 in a clontech-style backbone for expression in mammalian cells
67900pmCherry-FKBP12-C1Expresses a fusion of mCherry with FKBP12 in mammalian cells
67901pmCherry-FKBP12-C1-DHExpresses a fusion of mCherry with FKBP12 and the DH domain (155-347) of p63RhoGEF in mammalian cells
67902Lck-FRB-ECFP(W66A)Expresses a membrane located FRB domain in mammalian cells (the ECFP is not fluorescent)
67903FRB-ECFP(W66A)-GiantinExpresses a Golgi located FRB domain in mammalian cells (the ECFP is not fluorescent)
67904ECFP(W66A)-FRB-MoAExpresses a Mitochondria located FRB domain in mammalian cells (the ECFP is not fluorescent)

Antibodies from Article