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TGFB1_pLX307 Citations (1)

Originally described in: Genetic and Proteomic Interrogation of Lower Confidence Candidate Genes Reveals Signaling Networks in beta-Catenin-Active Cancers.
Rosenbluh J, Mercer J, Shrestha Y, Oliver R, Tamayo P, Doench JG, Tirosh I, Piccioni F, Hartenian E, Horn H, Fagbami L, Root DE, Jaffe J, Lage K, Boehm JS, Hahn WC Cell Syst. 2016 Sep 28;3(3):302-316.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.cels.2016.09.001.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing TGFB1_pLX307

MCPIP1 Inhibits Hepatic Stellate Cell Activation in Autocrine and Paracrine Manners, Preventing Liver Fibrosis. Pydyn N, Ferenc A, Trzos K, Pospiech E, Wilamowski M, Mucha O, Major P, Kadluczka J, Rodrigues PM, Banales JM, Herranz JM, Avila MA, Hutsch T, Malczak P, Radkowiak D, Budzynski A, Jura J, Kotlinowski J. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2024;17(6):887-906. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2024.01.021. Epub 2024 Feb 3. PubMed

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