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pcDNA5-MTS-TagBFP-P2AT2A-EGFP-NLS-P2AT2A-mCherry-PTS1 Citations (1)

Originally described in: CDK-regulated dimerization of M18BP1 on a Mis18 hexamer is necessary for CENP-A loading.
Pan D, Klare K, Petrovic A, Take A, Walstein K, Singh P, Rondelet A, Bird AW, Musacchio A Elife. 2017 Jan 6;6. pii: e23352. doi: 10.7554/eLife.23352.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing pcDNA5-MTS-TagBFP-P2AT2A-EGFP-NLS-P2AT2A-mCherry-PTS1

Targeting PDGF signaling of cancer-associated fibroblasts blocks feedback activation of HIF-1alpha and tumor progression of clear cell ovarian cancer. Mori Y, Okimoto Y, Sakai H, Kanda Y, Ohata H, Shiokawa D, Suzuki M, Yoshida H, Ueda H, Sekizuka T, Tamura R, Yamawaki K, Ishiguro T, Mateos RN, Shiraishi Y, Yatabe Y, Hamada A, Yoshihara K, Enomoto T, Okamoto K. Cell Rep Med. 2024 May 21;5(5):101532. doi: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2024.101532. Epub 2024 Apr 25. PubMed

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