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RSV-Flag-Brd4 Citations (1)

Originally described in: Association of bromodomain BET proteins with chromatin requires dimerization through the conserved motif B.
Garcia-Gutierrez P, Mundi M, Garcia-Dominguez M J Cell Sci. 2012 Aug 1;125(Pt 15):3671-80. Epub 2012 May 17.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing RSV-Flag-Brd4

Integrated analysis of H2A.Z isoforms function reveals a complex interplay in gene regulation. Lamaa A, Humbert J, Aguirrebengoa M, Cheng X, Nicolas E, Cote J, Trouche D. Elife. 2020 Feb 28;9. pii: 53375. doi: 10.7554/eLife.53375. PubMed

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