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AB.pCCL.sin.cPPT.GFP.miR-17-3p.sensor.PGK.dNGFR.WPRE Citations (1)

Originally described in: High-throughput assessment of microRNA activity and function using microRNA sensor and decoy libraries.
Mullokandov G, Baccarini A, Ruzo A, Jayaprakash AD, Tung N, Israelow B, Evans MJ, Sachidanandam R, Brown BD Nat Methods. 2012 Jul 1;9(8):840-6. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.2078.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing AB.pCCL.sin.cPPT.GFP.miR-17-3p.sensor.PGK.dNGFR.WPRE

Precise tuning of gene expression levels in mammalian cells. Michaels YS, Barnkob MB, Barbosa H, Baeumler TA, Thompson MK, Andre V, Colin-York H, Fritzsche M, Gileadi U, Sheppard HM, Knapp DJHF, Milne TA, Cerundolo V, Fulga TA. Nat Commun. 2019 Feb 18;10(1):818. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-08777-y. PubMed

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