pHR_Gal4UAS_Tbet_T2A_GFP_PGK_mCherry Notes
Addgene Diagnostic Digest
This gel depicts the NEB 1kb extended ladder and a digestion of the plasmid pHR_Gal4UAS_Tbet_T2A_GFP_PGK_mCherry with the following enzymes: XhoI and EcoRI-HF.
Expected results:
XhoI - 10.5 kb + 1.9 kb
EcoRI-HF - 9.7 kb + 2.8 kb
XhoI/EcoRI-HF - 7.8 kb + 2.8 kb + 1.9 kb + 12 bp (off gel)
These results show the expected pattern.