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Hs.HRAS G12C Citations (1)

Originally described in: RAS mutant collection V2.0
Esposito unpublished

Articles Citing Hs.HRAS G12C

Sotorasib is a pan-RASG12C inhibitor capable of driving clinical response in NRASG12C cancers. Rubinson DA, Tanaka N, Fece de la Cruz F, Kapner KS, Rosenthal MH, Norden BL, Barnes H, Ehnstrom S, Morales-Giron AA, Brais LK, Lemke CT, Aguirre AJ, Corcoran RB. Cancer Discov. 2024 Jan 18. doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-23-1138. PubMed

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