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pKHR4 Notes

Addgene QC diagnostic digest

This gel depicts the NEB 1kb DNA ladder and a digestion of the plasmid 74592 with XhoI and NaeI.

We expected the following banding patterns and see the expected results. For the expected 456bp band, we did observe the band with longer exposures.

XhoI single digest: expect one band- 3043bp

XhoI / NaeI double digest: expect 2 bands- 2587bp and 456bp

Addgene Diagnostic Digest

This gel depicts the NEB 1kb ladder and a digestion of the plasmid pKHR4 with the following enzymes: AhdI and DraIII-HF.

We predict the following banding pattern:
AhdI, 3 kb.
DraIII-HF, 3 kb.
AhdI + DraIII-HF, 1.9 and 1.1 kb.

We see the expected result.