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p323-L10A-PATagRFP Citations (2)

Originally described in: Mapping translation 'hot-spots' in live cells by tracking single molecules of mRNA and ribosomes.
Katz ZB, English BP, Lionnet T, Yoon YJ, Monnier N, Ovryn B, Bathe M, Singer RH Elife. 2016 Jan 13;5. pii: e10415. doi: 10.7554/eLife.10415.
PubMed Journal

Articles Citing p323-L10A-PATagRFP

Neuronal ribosomes exhibit dynamic and context-dependent exchange of ribosomal proteins. Fusco CM, Desch K, Dorrbaum AR, Wang M, Staab A, Chan ICW, Vail E, Villeri V, Langer JD, Schuman EM. Nat Commun. 2021 Oct 21;12(1):6127. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-26365-x. PubMed
Axonal endoplasmic reticulum tubules control local translation via P180/RRBP1-mediated ribosome interactions. Koppers M, Ozkan N, Nguyen HH, Jurriens D, McCaughey J, Nguyen DTM, Li CH, Stucchi R, Altelaar M, MacGillavry HD, Kapitein LC, Hoogenraad CC, Farias GG. Dev Cell. 2024 May 27:S1534-5807(24)00322-8. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.05.005. PubMed

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