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Human Lentiviral CRISPR Library v1
(Pooled Library #69763)

  • Purpose

    Genome-scale sgRNA screening library targeting 20,121 human protein-coding genes

  • Vector Backbone

    pLB (Plasmid #11619) - does not express Cas9


Item Catalog # Description Quantity Price (USD)
Pooled Library 69763 Human LV CRISPR v1 1 $540 Add to Cart
Available to academic and nonprofits only.

A Cas9 plasmid is NOT included with this item and will have to be ordered separately, or otherwise used with cell lines already expressing Cas9.

Library Details

  • Species
  • Genes targeted
  • gRNAs
  • Lentiviral Generation

Library Shipping

Each library is delivered in a microcentrifuge tube on blue ice. The tube's contents will not necessarily be frozen. For best results, minimize freeze/thaws.

  • Volume
    ∼20 µL
  • Concentration
    50 ng/µL

Resource Information

Depositor Comments

This sgRNA library was synthesized as an oligo pool, with 77,406 unique sgRNAs covering 20,121 genes in the human genome (see attached supplemental file for genes and target sequences).

To ensure complete gene disruption, the target sites were chosen in a region close to the translation initiation site, and most genes were covered four times. It is noteworthy that the sgRNAs start with either A or G, because our previous study showed that the preferred transcription initiation nucleotide for the U6 promoter can be either A or G (Ma et al., 2014 (Link opens in a new window)).

The sgRNA oligo pool was PCR amplified and cloned into the lentiviral vector, pLB. To test its quality, we PCR amplified the library and analyzed the amplicons with deep sequencing. The results showed that at least 90% of the sgRNAs were retained in the plasmid library (see attached supplemental file for sequencing read counts).

How to cite this pooled library ( Back to top )

These pooled libraries were created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the Principal Investigator, cite the article in which the plasmids were described, and include Addgene in the Materials and Methods of your future publications.

  • For your Materials & Methods section:

    Human lentiviral CRISPR library v1 was a gift from Haoquan Wu (Addgene #69763 ; ; RRID:Addgene_69763)
  • For your References section:

    A CRISPR-Based Screen Identifies Genes Essential for West-Nile-Virus-Induced Cell Death. Ma H, Dang Y, Wu Y, Jia G, Anaya E, Zhang J, Abraham S, Choi JG, Shi G, Qi L, Manjunath N, Wu H. Cell Rep. 2015 Jul 28;12(4):673-83. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.06.049. Epub 2015 Jul 16. 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.06.049. PubMed 26190106